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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If you could watch one player, who would it be?

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id say yzerman if i hadn't seen him play before but definately Orr like everyone else says hes just so graceful when hes skating down the ice in the videos ive seen

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1. orr

2. maurice richard

3. jean beliveau

4. jacques plante

5. milt schmidt

side note...you can get player compilation dvds and some old games at hdhockey.tv. the prices are way too high and shipping takes forever...but they have some very cool stuff.

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This thread is inspired by a TSN editorial about the boy who was killed on the pond by an errand puck.


A tragic story indeed, but an interesting question is wrapped in the editorial.

"If you could watch one hockey player, past or present, play a game, who would it be?"

Edit: Activited the link.

A very sad, tragic story indeed. It is a shame that something like this has to happen before people, especially parents, realize that helmets in any potentially dangerous activity should be worn. As for the question (on the Pro level anyway)...I have been fortunate enough to have seen Orr, Beliveau, Courneyer, McKenny, et al play as juniors and as pros. If I had to choose just one, it would be Bobby Orr. He changed the way the game is played. On the other hand, I think we are witnessing the emergence of other 'who is/was the best' candidates in Crosby, Malkin, Ovechkin, both Staals, Kovalchuk, and on and on... I think, however, I get the most enjoyment out of watching the young kids (like Nicholas Lambden) who still have the youthful exuberance for the 'Game' before it becomes a 'Business'.

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