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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When you get done with Crimson Room, try Veridian room, believe me it more of a pain in the ass.But it gets your mind thinking.Those asian people sure know how ot mess with your mind.

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I had to close my computer down so i now i am trying to get the lighter, under the trash can, but for some reason i cant lift it. Where is the angle?

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I had to close my computer down so i now i am trying to get the lighter, under the trash can, but for some reason i cant lift it. Where is the angle?

Ask Eazy, I tried for over an hour to get it last night and couldn't do it.

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still didn't get it? I went into the fridge, closed the door, clicked the garbage and then clicked in the middle of the can after I got the real close up view of the garbage. It only worked occasionally for me.

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Gah, I would love to give the next room a try but the damn combination won't work. I went to the URL flipped over the cards on the table, put in the numbers and bam, nothing.

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Well, I just beat the Viridian room. The next one should be interesting, when it is done.

It is done. Called the Blue Chamber. But, you have to pay a hefty ransom (Ok, not so hefty... 500 yen which is equal to about $4.50. I just wanted to say "hefty ransom" :P ) to get access to it.

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Yeah I saw the blue room, but I was refering to the coming soon box on the home page of that site.

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Those games were pretty fun. I made my friend play them, and I'm nearly positive he's now insane...

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