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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how far ahead of the game do nhl players get to the rink and what do they do?

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I would guess getting there 3-4 hours early. Light meal. Afterwards players can do as they please. Some would stretch, some might jog, some might chill and re-tape their sticks. Maybe with like two hours till game time they start getting dressed..? Go on ice for warm ups, get off ice for zam, go back on for real warmups and game.

Complete guess though.

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I would guess getting there 3-4 hours early. Light meal. Afterwards players can do as they please. Some would stretch, some might jog, some might chill and re-tape their sticks. Maybe with like two hours till game time they start getting dressed..? Go on ice for warm ups, get off ice for zam, go back on for real warmups and game.

Complete guess though.

i work for a CHL and the guys usally have a team meal then head to the arena like 2 1/2 hours early play some soccer in the hallway, tape sticks or whatever then they go out for warmups at around 6. back to the locker room (grab the blow up doll, in the steelhounds case haha) then through the tunnel for the starting line ups. puck drops at 7:05

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i work for a CHL and the guys usally have a team meal then head to the arena like 2 1/2 hours early play some soccer in the hallway, tape sticks or whatever then they go out for warmups at around 6. back to the locker room (grab the blow up doll, in the steelhounds case haha) then through the tunnel for the starting line ups. puck drops at 7:05

what time do they let Dallas Anderson out of his cage??

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I saw a thing on Roberto Luongo and he said he likes to get their early (can't remember how early), and he goes up in the crowd and tapes his stick and drinks a cup of coffee.

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i work for a CHL and the guys usally have a team meal then head to the arena like 2 1/2 hours early play some soccer in the hallway, tape sticks or whatever then they go out for warmups at around 6. back to the locker room (grab the blow up doll, in the steelhounds case haha) then through the tunnel for the starting line ups. puck drops at 7:05

what time do they let Dallas Anderson out of his cage??


right after he does 5 lines of coke and sacrifices lamb.

by the way big D is a really nice and funny guy.

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