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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white 10.0's

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yesterday while looking at the homepage on the NHL website, i noticed that on one of their 5 daily headlines/bullitins, in the one for the wings-oilers game #28 on the oilers had what appered at first to be the white 9k's but i looked closer and saw that they looked exactly like the 10.0 SE but they just had white were the chrome was, did anyone else see these or has anyone heard about them, thanks

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I think it may just be the lighting that makes the chrome look white but I could be mistaken. I bought some Sherwood roller hockey chassis a while back that I thought were black and white from the photo and when I got them they are black and polished. They still look sweet but the photo made the polished area look white.

Rick Henry

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I thought I would break my cherry by commenting on who #28 is. He one of only two Norwegian born players in the NHL. His name is Patrick Thoresen and means a lot for Norwegian hockey her in Norway. Too bad he isn't being recognized for something other than his stupid skates.

Damn it feels so good to finally loose that cherry.

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Damn it feels so good to finally loose that cherry.

To quote the great Michael Scott, "That's what she said."

Sorry I couldnt resist. I did look at Patrick Thoresen on getty images and it shows him starting the season off with the orignal 10.0s, with the polished blue top, so these are something newer. I've got to cast my vote that they do look white as well, but there weren't any great pics since he switched skates to tell for sure.


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He better not let anyone at CCM/RBK see that Itech visor he has on, or they'll label him a traitor forever!

What the hell does that mean??

Damn Ovy needs to find another custom style skates now.

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hey durke, i hope this is not off topic too much but i am a season ticket holder for the wilkes barre/scranton penguins of the AHL. edmonton has been sending some players down to us and you should be very proud of patrick. he has played a handful of games for us this season and has done very well while with the pens. my only hope is that he is with us for the ahl playoffs.

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There was somebody else around here that sent in a 10SE with the mirrored stuff and got back a different type of SE. The one he got back didn't have the type of mirrored stuff from what he said.

Found the thread. He's not posted pics yet...


That was me....

It was still chrome on the Exo-Skel, but it was the Exo-Skel itself that was chrome...unlike the other SEs with the Chrome lining inside the clear Exo-Skel....boy that sounds confusing... :blink:

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There was somebody else around here that sent in a 10SE with the mirrored stuff and got back a different type of SE. The one he got back didn't have the type of mirrored stuff from what he said.

Found the thread. He's not posted pics yet...


That was me....

It was still chrome on the Exo-Skel, but it was the Exo-Skel itself that was chrome...unlike the other SEs with the Chrome lining inside the clear Exo-Skel....boy that sounds confusing... :blink:

Dang, didn't notice it was you...

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hes using the ovechkin SE, not vector 8.0. Which pro would use vector 8.0?

May not be the SE...could be the Vector 10 with grey replacing the blue top...just don't know for sure.

I stand corrected...they ARE Vector 10 SEs....but not white...they are chrome.

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hes using the ovechkin SE, not vector 8.0. Which pro would use vector 8.0?

In international play Ovechkin was using what appeared to be 6.0s with gold holders.


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hes using the ovechkin SE, not vector 8.0. Which pro would use vector 8.0?

In international play Ovechkin was using what appeared to be 6.0s with gold holders.


Those are the original Vector 10 with a clear Tuuk holder.

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hes using the ovechkin SE, not vector 8.0. Which pro would use vector 8.0?

In international play Ovechkin was using what appeared to be 6.0s with gold holders.


Those are the original Vector 10 with a clear Tuuk holder.

those are definately gold not clear

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hes using the ovechkin SE, not vector 8.0. Which pro would use vector 8.0?

In international play Ovechkin was using what appeared to be 6.0s with gold holders.


Those are the original Vector 10 with a clear Tuuk holder.

those are definately gold not clear

Obviously clears painted gold.

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