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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Renfrew Shaft saver Superwrap

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Hey guys, I did a search and didn't find anything so I just wanted to hear if anyone has used this on their sticks and how has it worked for them. Does it really prevent paint chips and nicks as well as add a grip feel to the stick?

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I found that it did a good job at preventing chips it the stick, as well as prevent paint chips. It didn't add a great deal of grip but it was better than nothing. It also makes the stick feel a tiny it bigger. The wrap will cover one full stick and it is a little thicker that sock tape.

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I found that it did a good job at preventing chips it the stick, as well as prevent paint chips. It didn't add a great deal of grip but it was better than nothing. It also makes the stick feel a tiny it bigger. The wrap will cover one full stick and it is a little thicker that sock tape.

So you're saying that I am paying 15 dollars for some clear tape that will only cover one stick. To me that just seems like kind of a rip off.

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I have this stuff on all 6 of my sticks. Your not suppose to wrap the entire stick with it just the bottom 11-12" that take the most abuse from slashes and such. That is what it is intended for and I must say it works GREAT. After a while it will look ugly and beat up but you will still have your one-piece that you paid $$ for. Another thing is that it is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE a#s to apply so take your time. Any other way I can help PM me.

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I have this stuff on all 6 of my sticks. Your not suppose to wrap the entire stick with it just the bottom 11-12" that take the most abuse from slashes and such. That is what it is intended for and I must say it works GREAT. After a while it will look ugly and beat up but you will still have your one-piece that you paid $$ for. Another thing is that it is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE a#s to apply so take your time. Any other way I can help PM me.

So doing this to the bottom of your stick, how many sticks can u put this on then, 3?

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Ya about 3 or so. Depending on how high up the shaft you take it. This product is once again a simple stupid idea that works like a charm.

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wouldnt the 3m clear tape (not the scotch tape but the one with a matte finish that disappears when u put it?) do the same thing? or is this generally more durable when it comes to slashes?

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no it won't.... this is a thick clear plastic sheet thats really sticky i mean seriously sticky.... it works like a charm but the trick is applying it... once u got it on... peeling it off will remove the paint on that portion of the stick... and the part where the ends meet doesn't stick very well... so don't expect a perfect look... but it works wonderfully...

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I used this on my XXX and worked like a charm untill the blade broke after about 3 weeks. You will be surprised at how much the bottom 10 or so inches of the stick takes a beating. I havent got round to putting it on my other sticks. Just dont look great on a black stick.

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So you just put it about 10 inches up the shaft and put it all the way down to the hosel and just before the blade I assume? Better yet does anybody have any photos of this.

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Is this stuff bulky and visible?

And would I be able to spraypaint over this "superwrap"? (I spraypaint all of my sticks)

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what would be smart would be paint the stick first then apply the super wrap, then the paint would chip of peel off. i would assume that you could paint the super wrap, but because it is plastic, it probably won't last that long

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I dont see where theres so many questions about how to apply this. its simple. Put it on the bottom of your stick where u think your going to get slashed. Its like a thin plasticy sticky material. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to do this.

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Yes it's clear and yes you can paint over it. I'll take some pics of it on my sticks that have been used and not used. I only have black sticks and it looks fine. Beside, it's a hockey stick and it's going to get beat up. Who cares what it looks like as long as its not pink with flowers or something.

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