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hockey in japan... singapore soon

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hey guys

im just visiting japan, and was just wondering if anyone knows if there is hockey here? ive been looking all over the place for a yutaka fukufuji jersey and have found nothing so far,

also, i found a canucks cap, but i asked the shop where they had it, and they said that it looked cool and just decided to bring it in... apparently it has been sitting on the shelf for about 9 months untouched.

also, ill be heading to singapore in 2 weeks... is there any hockey, roller or ice over there? ill be there about a week and have been in singapore before.. last time i was there it was pretty boring after about 3 days, (not that much to see) so it might be a good idea to check out the hockey...

thanks in advance..


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both ice and roller are available...

ice I'm not sure... but if you want the cyclones play on most sunday mornings...

let me know and I'll hook you up...

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If you are still in Japan / Tokyo, you could probably contact the Tokyo Canadians. http://www.tokyocanadians.com.

When will you be in Singapore? We'll most likely be having our League games during the week that you are here. We have 2 divisions and if you would like to play, you can email the league committee to let them know. They might be able to put you down as an LPP for a team that is short.



The rink is at the Jurong East Entertainment Center. Just take the MRT to the Jurong East Station and walk towards the left. It's on the 3rd floor of the Shopping Center.

Unfortunately you probably won't be here this weekend. We are having our annual tournament from Wed to Sat.

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ill be in japan for another 3 days

and ill be in singapore in about a week and a half, march 7th to be exact... maybe ill come by and check it out...

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my team Cyclones used to be pretty competitive, and we took part in most if not all the tournys they had in Singapore. Last couple of years everyone's been slowing down a bit, mainly cause we werent adrenaline pumped teenagers anymore. most have gotten married, some still claim to be single. THe guys and I now play more recreational than competitive... I can also safely say that we are the only team aroudn with a doctor in the lineup (although he plays rougher than most of us and never fails to make us laugh with his imitations of a figure skater)

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i cant play cause i didnt bring my gear... but maybe ill come by and watch...

so where is the roller?

from reading above the ice is at jurong

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The Tokyo Canadians? Hmmmm

Yep. I believe they're composed of ex-pats in Tokyo. They have a great rivalry going on with the Hong Kong Dragons (a mix of ex-pat and good local talent in HK).

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ice is now only played in Jurong, due to the closure a few years ago in the central rink. What size do you wear, some of the guys would have spare gear lying around (trying to tempt ya!)

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fatwabbit: i left you a pm...

also its litterally impossible to find hockey around in japan...

sapporo is the only real place that they really play..

in tokyo you have those canadians.. and thats really about it...

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I have heard that there is some form of Ice hockey Pro league in Japan wherein players are paid (although small in amount) to play. I played against 1 sort of gents and couldn't touch him even if he was a good 2 inches shorter than me.

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how ya doing Roach!

I think Kelly is now in Bangkok, or still in Japan... en route to Singapore soon... Kelly, check out the weekend markets, each one could take you about 2 days to finish... orignal copies of nike shirts for $5!

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Hey, Kev.

I miss Singapore. And Tiger beer.

Here's a thought, maybe we can do a weekend MSH skate, Singapore edition when you're back in town.

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