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I almost forgot about Roenick...

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Until I heard his swept through the mud comment. It's been 3 years since he has had a good season, But I wonder if he his fiery attitude may be able to help a team in the playoff run. Curious to see if anyone bites on him since he's expecting to be traded.

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With that winning attitude, combined with the career year he's had, it's a wonder the contending teams aren't tripping over each other to trade for that guy.

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It may be time for JR to hang them up.

Now that I think about, maybe the end of last season would have been a better time.

That said, I would like to see him hit 500....

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Monty I agree with you,

But like the article states we all know JR is not going anywhere until he hits the 500 mark. I think he will hit it too, I think he deserves it. He was one amazing player in this league for a long time. Even though I could not stand his attitude for the longest time.

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Roenick has nothing left, and he doesn't belong in the NHL anymore. He's at 490-something right now I think, and I bet it would still take him 5 more seasons to get to 500 goals. He's disgraced the league a lot more times than he's enriched it, and I won't lose any sleep over it if he doesn't get his 500.

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Roenick has nothing left, and he doesn't belong in the NHL anymore. He's at 490-something right now I think, and I bet it would still take him 5 more seasons to get to 500 goals. He's disgraced the league a lot more times than he's enriched it, and I won't lose any sleep over it if he doesn't get his 500.

It seems that you're not a Roenick fan

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