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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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its the life

ice goalie skates to inline?

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Yes, one of the guys who used to work for me did it to his Grafs. He cut the steel off of the cowling, leveled it and mounted an inline chassis on it.

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Is it easy to switch the cowling of a boot to another? I'm looking at possibly the graf boot and the rbk cowling. If someone can switch the chassis from one skate to another could you do that with the cowling?

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I did it to my CCM's. Just hack off the holder and use a belt sander to smooth it out. I lucked out and found a new pair of the Sure-grip 5 wheel chassis on ebay and had a LHS put them on.

If you wait a little while, Tour is comming out with some new goalie skates that look pretty trick.

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Well, my question isnt from switching from ice to inline, but switching the cowling. I didn't want to start a whole thread, and I GUESS this'd be the place to ask.

Could you use the same machine to mount chassi (what's the plural of chassis?) onto skates? I kinda want a different cowling on a different boot.

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so what u guys are sayin is that i can just take off the steel holder (with some hacking and grinding and possibly a little sanding) mount a chassis and it would be fine. just seems a little much to do to my skates

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Yes you can use a graf boot with a RBK cowling, or Bauer Boot with a Graf cowling, and so on and so forth....

I have a pair of Mission skates on a graf cowling for both Ice and Roller...

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Okay, I just went to my LHS and they can do the cowling switch. Apparently their machine was wearing camoflauge the last three times I went <_< . Anyhoo, what boots would you reccomend and for what reasons?

And where can you order boots/cowlings? My LHS can do it, but the skates they have are about $50+ over what I find on the internet (basically a monstrous markup) and I'm looking to save a few bucks..

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