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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chicago #1

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The Blackhawks win! The Blackhawks win! A Stanley Cup? Let's be serious. How about a Sports Illustrated NHL players poll in the new issue. Based on results from 357 NHL players, the Blackhawks have the best uniforms in the league. Now all they need is to improve the players the team puts in them. The results:


1. Blackhawks: 28

2. Canadiens: 16

3. Red Wings: 14

4. Maple Leafs: 11


1. Predators: 28

2. Sabres: 24

3. Thrashers: 8

4. Ducks: 7



Maybe the NHL should reconsider the whole radical restyling of the jerseys they have planned. Classic trumps gaudy.

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#1 uni.. worst franchise in the league.. Hurray. They're ruining more prospects than the Rangers could ever hope to match..

Jesus christ, this has to be a record. One response and it's already way off topic. Warning added.

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Top four are all original six teams. I guess thats what the players like.

I dont think the Sabres (new) jerseys should be on that list, but thats just me.

I'd be interested to see what the full list looks like.

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Didn't realize that it took till 2007 to realize that the original six jerseys still are the best looking. They're simple design that everyone can recognize. No idea why Atlanta's is on the worst, I happen to like their home jersey and own one of their 3rds.

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Havlat looks like the biggest bad ass in the league in the Hawks uni. The black one is arguably the most tasteful third out there as well.

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Havlat looks like the biggest bad ass in the league in the Hawks uni. The black one is arguably the most tasteful third out there as well.

Probie never had moves like that. I'm actually not a fan of the black, same with Philly. There is just something not right about those teams wearing black.

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The Chicago red is the best NHL uni of all time, but you have to appreciate a 3rd jersey that doesn't have a neon colored bull or darkwing duck as the crest.

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The Chicago red is the best NHL uni of all time, but you have to appreciate a 3rd jersey that doesn't have a neon colored bull or darkwing duck as the crest.

Exactly, they did it right. It was just that everyone was doing the black thing at that time.

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i do have to say though, i'd be more interested in reading a poll from the fans, not the players, because they're the ones buying the tickets and the jersies, and in charge of 'saving' the game

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I have to agree with Dats, atlanta's 3rd jersey is flippin' sweet, what with the off-color arm and all. My roller hockey team had them made up with "Whitestone" (a neighborhood in queens) down that arm and they were badass. The triangular/arrowhead design is a bit odd, and looks even more odd on the regular jerseys, IMO.

then again, I actually like Nashville's third jersey, and everyone else seems to hate it. I probably have no taste.

My guess is that the reason that the top 4 teams are all original six is because the game is so big on tradition. I'm willing to bet that the Rangers and Bruins are in the top ten or twelve (the B's probably lose a bit for the Smokey the Bear jersey). NHLers grew up watching teams with traditional, old school jerseys. I'm willing to bet that in 10, 15 years, the preferences will have flip flopped a bit, with Atlanta, Columbus, and Nashville near the top.

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then again, I actually like Nashville's third jersey, and everyone else seems to hate it. I probably have no taste.

Sounds like it. ;)

I actually like the home and road Nashville jerseys, just not the third.

I'm willing to bet that in 10, 15 years, the preferences will have flip flopped a bit, with Atlanta, Columbus, and Nashville near the top.

Right now Buffalo is number one in sales but they have a new jersey and they are winning, that's to be expected. It all depends on who they ask. Most fans, will stick with the traditional stuff, that has always been the case in every poll I've seen. Ask a bunch of teenagers and you'll get very different responses than from the fans who buy the vast majority of tickets and merchandise. The teams mentioned are also high in jersey sales every year and that consistency without changing jerseys implies a high level of popularity.

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Nashville's is pretty far out there, as is Dallas'. Gray and Mustard yellow really don't go together that well. Most NHL fans had no idea what Dallas' third jersey logo was. You can't expect a non fan to get it.

Atlanta's is pretty straight foward, although I think their other logo would be better for their third:


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Any love for the Blue Jackets' third jersey?


Off topic, but I heard this would be their home jersey for next year. Anybody know if this is the truth?

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I think that's one of, if not the sharpest jersey in the league.

I heard they're dropping the bee logo, and sticking with that logo as the main on home/away next year.

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Its a nice jersey but its another drastic change that didn't need to happen. A team should really only have one logo and stick with it. IMO the Sabres should have never went away from yellow and blue, timeless jersey. Not a big fan of the new jersey though.

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Its a nice jersey but its another drastic change that didn't need to happen. A team should really only have one logo and stick with it. IMO the Sabres should have never went away from yellow and blue, timeless jersey. Not a big fan of the new jersey though.

The 3rd CBJ is better than the bug, but I do agree with you on Buffalo. What's wrong with just slightly updating the old jerseys?

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its another drastic change that didn't need to happen.

You could say the same about the existence of the team.

75% or more of third jerseys utilize a unique logo. I think the whole point of them was to have something different, and in many cases, different turned into the norm, as it simply looked better/fresher than the original jerseys. I still remember the uproar when the Rangers came out with their third, everyone thought the classic jersey would go by the wayside. Dallas actually changed to their third as a "normal", and Philly did as well.

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Dallas actually changed to their third as a "normal", and Philly did as well.

And what a horrendous mistake that was for Philly

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Original Six teams should never change their logos. Anyone remember the barberpole Red Wings jerseys from 92?


Another classic:


But then you have other teams like the Canucks who changed for the worse. Growing up all I ever wanted was a #96 Bure Away Canucks jersey. Never got one, and they changed to Shamo.


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