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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

What is the best photo editing software?

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I like the layout of FCP better. It is a little simplier to use. Some cool effects in it. If I were you, I would definatley invest in Apple Motion (www.apple.com/motion). Th program looks amazing, you can do effects in seconds with what use to take hours to insert all the keystroke, etc. Watch the video

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I've been looking for some nice fonts, any sites?

and i REALLY reccomend Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9....GREAT program for only like $100, many even like it better than photoshop.

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I've been looking for some nice fonts, any sites?

and i REALLY reccomend Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9....GREAT program for only like $100, many even like it better than photoshop.

Those are usually the people who can't figure out how to use photoshop. There are a ton of places to download fonts, not all of them are legal though.

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Ive used it, Im not a fan of it at all. Knowing the way M$ codes, using the paintbucket probably opens up all your ports to the world. All M$ software is crap, of course this is just my very humble opinion.

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Ive used it, Im not a fan of it at all. Knowing the way M$ codes, using the paintbucket probably opens up all your ports to the world. All M$ software is crap, of course this is just my very humble opinion.

Actually they're getting better as much as I hate to say it. ISA was a nice corperate firewall, it will be interesting to see how much of that they put into the XP firewall.

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There XP firewall is more like a swiss cheese wall, its terrible, but hey service pack 2 is coming out sometime in 2004, or 2005, so hey, maybe they will patch 5 of the 100000 holes in XP. Unix baby, OS X :)

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I know the firewall on XP sucks, but they are merging a lot of the ISA features into the home version. I agree that windows code sucks, mostly because they keep building on a flawed core but if you don't have a clue about hte ISA stuff, you shouldn't talk shit about what the new firewall fix can/will do.

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I know a lot about their plans for longhorn. I was a beta tester for Whistler (which is now XP). My problem is, when whistler was coming out, and they claimed they were putting in an in peneturable firewall, we all believed it, and the firewall was a piece of crap. What they are claiming now sounds nice, but trust me, the firewall will be picked apart and will be just as effective as the current one within a few months of the OS being out.

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Sure, all the hackers target MS products. Not to mention the fact that they keep leaving their own backdoors in the code. I find it interesting that only a few flaws were found in ISA. I have a couple of different betas for Whistler as well as the RCs, I was never impressed with any of them, let alone the final product. It's the same bad code they've been using since NT3.1, now with added bloat.

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Exactly. Thats why I commend apple. They had the balls to throw eveything they had into the trash, and start building on a Unix Base. They are always innovators, they paved the way for lcds, firewire, dvi, etc. They would rather something work, and have the best quality, than cheap and make some more money

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When Jobs left Apple the company he started was working on putting a nice GUI on Unix. He just brought that concept with him when he came back. MS is just convinced thier code is the best way to go. I'd love the Apple way if the GUI had more configuration options. I hate having to drop into the shell to do everything. That said, I use the MS command prompt quite a bit.

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I know, I just prefer to have options. With MS stuff you can do anything about 5 ways. Unix is one way only. Plus, I'm no big fan of the premium you have to pay for Apple stuff.

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i'm actually a fan of microsoft software...well, this program anyway, ya, photoshop has a lot of features to it, but the microsoft program is MUCH easier to use, you can get stuff done faster, i dont know, i find it to work great.

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