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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 10 originals

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I was running a clinic for some younger kids after practice today and didn't feel like wearing my wet skates, so I threw on my old vapor 10's from like 8th grade that I had lying around under my stall. I'd almost forgotten what a perfect skate it was. To the point, I was just wondering if anybody knew of any places that still had any around, or if anybody on the site had some 8.5 Ds that they were willing to part with. Any help's greatly appreciated. Thanks fellas.

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i have some 8.5D vapor 8's i just picked up - like new - but i'd like to skate in them a couple times and see how they feel first...

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there's a small po-dunk sporting goods store near me.. I went in the other day just out of curiosity. They used to have a ton of old Synergy sticks (Gold grip, Si-Core)... they had gotten rid of all of their hockey stuff. All they have left is 1 Lidstrom LH Synergy Si-Core, and Bauer Vapor 8 skates.

PM me if you're interested, and I can look into a price for you. I'm not sure how much they'll try and pull in for them, their prices are nuts.

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I don't know if you want them but they are your size and for a good price compared to everywhere else

That, in no way, answers his question. He's not looking for the Vapor Roman Numeral line of skates. He's looking for Vapor 10's back when the number was designated by an arabic character.

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I have a pair of brand new (ok worn one practice and one pregame skate) Vapor 8's that were the top of the line vapor from 98-99 season. I am unsure of the size. I will post pics and size later. I would be more than willing to sell these if anyone in interested.

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you boys are beautiful. Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it. Need the 10's though, and size is vital, I got some picky feet. One final question: I'm going to school next year (finally) and will be getting all my shit free. I read somewhere on here that the components for the vape 10's are gone, so no more new pairs. But having seen Erat and Afinogenov (and whoever else, Rob Blake still I think?) still using them, what are the chances that NBH still has some pairs in a warehouse or wherever somewhere that I could get my hands on? Do you think these dudes have all their own pairs already and aren't getting any new ones, or is there a place where there are some in storage? Unlikely, but worth a shot. Thanks again for all the help fellas.

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There were a few pairs on EBay in various sizes- I think there was a pair of 8.5's. I would check there often, as it is your most likely venue to locate a pair. You can ask the rep, but I wouldn’t hold your breath that there is a stash of old skates you’ll be able to tap into at NBH….

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