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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Rink Rat wheels?

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looks like a wheel for the junior players to me

looks like a wheel for the junior players to me

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Judging by the weight listed for suggested use, these are 72-74A feeling wheels, which means that, if in the case that these are like real Rink Rats, they are 68/74A or 68/76A.

And THockey is right... I don't know if I'd rather get this over the Hot Shot, which is only 6 bucks on inlinewarehouse with free shipping at $75.

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how can you be so sure Thockey17? or just a hunch?

Because all of their other SMU's end up there. $7.99 isnt exactly a great price for a wheel no one knows anything about. You can get most high end wheels for that price. They'd do well at $3.99-5.99.

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Well, the free shipping doesn't really apply that much unless you're planning on getting 13 wheels.

But, IW does have one of the lowest free shipping totals I've seen.

Why not just order two sets at a time? There's always room for a spare set, or maybe if someone else needs wheels. I usually just get maybe two extra wheels and a t-shirt or something.

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