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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Same brand Goalie and Player Skates

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The title says it. Especially would like to know if CCM/RBK goalie and player skates fit the same. Thank you.

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I don't know for sure, but I would assume they use the same last for sizing of boots regardless of their application.

Short answer, Yeah, I think they are.

I don't know for sure, but I would assume they use the same last for sizing of boots regardless of their application.

Short answer, Yeah, I think they are.

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The sizing is the same but the fit is a little different. Best bet is try before you buy. For the brief period of time when I experimented with playing out I wore a 8.5ee Bauer player skate and a 9.0e CCM player skate. I wear a 8.5ee Bauer goal skate when I'm in net.

See also this post on a similar subject.

ModSquadHockey goalie/player skate sizing thread

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I had some tacks goalie skates so when I started skating out I got some tacks... the player tacks didn't fit as well as the goalie ones. I think the forefoot was slightly wider in the goalie skates.

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