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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have been skating in CCM 652s for about three months now. I switched over from an old used pair of Vapor X's that I had.

I would describe my foot as being rather flat and wide, so I went with the 652s in E width thinking they would be a wider fitting skate. I have been experiencing pain in the outside of the foot, something I have never had in the Bauers. The CCMs are a wide boot, so I cannot imagine that my foot is too wide for it. After an hour or longer skate, my feet are sore and even a bit numb on the outside.

Could the flatness be causing this? Could it simply be overtightening of the laces? Would some sort of insole help to support the foot and relieve the pain?

I would love to simply go buy some new skates, but I cannot afford to do that. This is why I got the CCMs on clearance in the first place.

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This sounds almost exactly like what happened to me. I have D-width Vectors for ice that fit perfectly, but got a pair of closeout 652's (also D-width) that I converted to inlines. With the stock footbeds in the Tacks, my right foot feels cramped and almost like the area to the outside of the boot is curving up too far.

I eventually swapped in the pair of Superfeet I had in my vectors and found it mitigated the problem. It's still kind of cramp-y, but not nearly as much. You might also try getting the boots heat molded, too.

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I'm in the same position you are in. The spot really hurts and even when I skate really fast my legs start shaking and hurting from the side =/. Superfeet may help but way too expenssive, its like 39$CDN and why not just punch it out.

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I had the exact same problem. The mid to outside part of my feet would hurt after a few minutes on the ice. Superfeet made a huge difference. I still get some pain but it is alot less now. I paid 25 for mine and they are totally worth it.

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The very outside edge of the foot. Right in the middle of the foot. (Opposite the arch I guess you would say).

I thought my feet wide and flat too, and wore tacks, and also had similar pains to this.

I put it down initially to the skate breaking in, but it never went away.

I then was fitted in a pair of Supreme 30's, regular width that are deeper, and they have been great.

After an initial breaking period, there was some pain in my left foot, but I have put some shock doctor footbeds in them, and after one uncomfortable skate to get used to them, they have eliminated all my pains....so far.

I done a review on them here, they are not an expensive skate, and I am not overly experienced, but I tried to document the reason for the change, and the plusses for it in them.


Honestly, if it's a price thing, it may be worth going locally and getting a new skate in a low/mid end price range, so you will the problems properly addressed.

I would certainly put the protection of a pair of 2006 Supreme 30's against an 03/04 pair of 652 tacks.

I could be wrong, but with the improvements in skate technology, even a lower end skate from this year could be as good as a mid end skate from a few years back.

The trip to the LHS, and the short term financial cost, is worth it when you consider how long you hope to have the skates for, and how often you hope to use them

Good luck with it

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Thanks everyone for the replies, I'm sorry I was away and could not post.

I think that maybe I am just a Bauer shaped foot? I figured after repeated uses (25+ ice times) I would not feel the pain. I was told that because of this heat molding would not matter too much.

My LHS is well stocked, but I question their info sometimes. For example, the regular "day guy" is extremely helpful when picking out sticks and helmets and such. But, if we talk skates, he says he uses 1/4 to 3/8" ROH. He cannot understand why I like the 9/16 or lately 5/8 ROH. I am 5'9" and 180lbs, he goes at least 210. To me, I understand personal preference, but I don't feel like I'm getting the best help based on what conventional wisdom is telling me about hollows. If I'm spending $300 on skates, I don't know if this is the right place to get fitted.

Thanks guys. Bob

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