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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rusted Helmet Screw

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So I bought a new half-shield that I planned on throwing onto an old HT500 for coaching and such. However, I ran into a problem in that the screws on the side that hold in the ear guard and J-clips is completely rusted into its holder. I tried WD-40ing it, but to no avail. The problem is that the screw simply twists with the holder inside of its hole. Any ideas on how to get it out?

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You might have to dremel it out and replace with a new screw.

How old is the helmet? You're not going to want to hear this, but it may be time to replace it. I believe the suggested lifespan of a helmet is around 2 years, maybe 3.

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So I bought a new half-shield that I planned on throwing onto an old HT500 for coaching and such. However, I ran into a problem in that the screws on the side that hold in the ear guard and J-clips is completely rusted into its holder. I tried WD-40ing it, but to no avail. The problem is that the screw simply twists with the holder inside of its hole. Any ideas on how to get it out?

Can you get a pair of needle nose in to grip the back of the nut (or holder...or whatever you call it)?

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I know this sounds like a dumb idea, but it really works. Take a rag soaked in Coca Cola and agitate or rub the screw on the helmet for a while. This will break down the rust. If the screw is stripped, you're going to have to tap the bolt out and rethred the whole thing, but then again the safest and easiest solution is to get a new helmet

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I've had this happen to me a couple times....usually I get a short-handled screwdriver and stick it in the inside (back) screw and jam another screwdriver in the front screw. Then ya twist the front screw and keep the small screwdriver in the back in place. It may take a while but you'll get it out.

And what I've had to do once (on a stripped and rusted screw) was drill into the screw to where it split apart and then just fell out of the back.

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You might have to dremel it out and replace with a new screw.

I used a dremel once and got the screw too hot from the friction and it melted the helmet plastic. It did come out, though probably not the best method if you are going to put a visor on there.

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The solution is to buy a new helmet. Why put a new shield on an old helmet? You will look better coaching with the new helmet and new shield combo. The kids and parents will respect you more for looking so fresh.

Seriously, if the screws are rusted stuck on the helmet, how good can the condition be of the rest of the helmet?

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The solution is to buy a new helmet. Why put a new shield on an old helmet? You will look better coaching with the new helmet and new shield combo. The kids and parents will respect you more for looking so fresh.

Seriously, if the screws are rusted stuck on the helmet, how good can the condition be of the rest of the helmet?

A little sweat or moisture inside the hockey bag, especially in a sea-air or warm and humid environment can quickly rust the screws they use.

I've had my helmet/cage for just over a year and the cage is rusting at the welds and the spots on the screws where the paint's been removed is rusted as well.

If he has non-treated screws (perhaps from buying a set from the hardware store or a generic helmet repair kit) then rust can set in quickly and have corroded the whole thing in less than a few months.

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Probably not the best method for a plastic helmet, but i've gotten rusted screws out of other things my jamming a thin screw driver behind the front of the screw and smacking it with decent force with a hammer. It just snaps the screw in half. I don't know how well the helmet plastic will hold up to the force though.

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Happened to me on the front clips before...I took a pair of bull-nose plyers and snipped the cage clips...allowed me enough room to then read over the head of the screw and snip the head off...then the back peace just fell out.

Especially if there plastic j-clips you can just cut them, pretty easily, then snap the screw with a pair of snips.

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As my college buddy used to say:

"You can do no wrong with power tools"

This typically preceded some destruction. Using a drill in this case has worked for me before.


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Well guys, I ended up using a dremel, and just as someone above mentioned before I could read it, the screw actually melted apart before it cut apart. Unfortunately, a little bit of plastic melted along with it, but nothing that threatened the structural integrity of the helmet. Yes, my old HT is probably over a year old, but it's still in fairly good condition. Thanks for all your input.

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