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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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9k on e-bay

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SO I saw the first 9k "O" stick on e-bay in a listing. I am not sure what protocol is for linking to an active auction, so I will not put it here, but anyways...

The guy has 4 pictures of the stick. ON has the flex on teh stick as "85" Is Rbk going to a 85/95/100 system like Easton, Warrior and Bauer finally and getting rid of the 40 or 45 kps or whatever they list their flexes by on past and recent OPS? Or is this a sign of this stick being fraudulant somehow?

Anyone? I know someone here must have the answer...

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^^^no, it would not. It's possibly the one that was bought and the guy is trying to sell it for a large profit... ripping off fellow hockey players. About 5 threads have ben posted about it and all have had the link removed and the threads have been locked.

THC has been putting the easton scale on their sticks recently. I have both the kp and the easton scale on my 07 8.0

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Wrong guy...

There are two of them up. One retail, one Datsyuk's, who is a MSH member who is selling it. Long story but I don't want to get into it because I know the guy.

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I played around with one of these sticks this weekend, I was not impressed. My shot is a lot better with a xxx lite.

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SO I saw the first 9k "O" stick on e-bay in a listing. I am not sure what protocol is for linking to an active auction, so I will not put it here, but anyways...

The guy has 4 pictures of the stick. ON has the flex on teh stick as "85" Is Rbk going to a 85/95/100 system like Easton, Warrior and Bauer finally and getting rid of the 40 or 45 kps or whatever they list their flexes by on past and recent OPS? Or is this a sign of this stick being fraudulant somehow?

Anyone? I know someone here must have the answer...

What I'm wondering is if the regular (40kp) still feels like a 95 flex, as indicated in the flex chart here.

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Just to clarify for everyone the 9k does say 100 stiff flex on the stick along with the 45 number for flex. On another note, I did not try to rip off anyone on this stick, as I paid 350.00 for the stick plus 6% michigan sales tax which equals $371.00 plus another $10.00 to sell it on ebay. I just thought it would be fun to have this stick to show people. In essence I ended up losing about $45.00 since it was listed twice. It was a bad investment but it was cool to show people and have the kids at the rink get a chance to see Datsyuk's stick that has been hyped so much. So before everyone goes accusing people please get your facts straight.

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Thanks for the replies, I guess I have not noticed "both" flexes on the CCM/RBK sticks as of late.

Hystyck, I was referring to the Modano up on e-bay. I did not see your Datysuk when I was on. I don't think you need to explain anything to anyone. That is what e-bay is for. You put your stuff that you think is a fair price, whether it is an inflated price to some because of whatever reason (rare item, collectible, sentimental value, etc, etc, etc) then so be it. Take a look at what the "collectors" all pay for Scotty Cameron putters. If someone doesn;t like your price, then they don;t pay it. If someone wants to whine about it will be less when it comes out, then wait and pay less and shut your mouth. The only way I could see you "ripping someone off" on this type of deal was if you go tpics of the stick and did not ship it until it is available at most other retail outlets, then you ar ejust being a prick :D but again, that is what flea-bay is for, so if you don;t like it, go screw.

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