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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Size

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I have a quick question about rink size. I play pickup shinny at Forest Hill arena in Toronto. There are two pads there, one smaller than the other. I know the MTHL plays on the big pad. My question is this, would that pad be the same size as the NHL size pad? Is NHL ice bigger than the ice in a normal arena such as Forest Hill or any Canlan facility? We rented the ice at Maple Leaf Gardens once and it didn’t seem any larger than regular ice.

Just curious.

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I have no idea when the NHL standardized ice dimensions, but they were not always set. That's why there were references to places like the old Bruins building "smaller ice", because literally it was smaller than 200 x 85.

In the city of Vancouver, old rinks (like 1960's) are more unique sizes. Anything built in the 1970's and beyond are NHL sized.

Not sure if that helps, the moral of the story is, really old means it has a greater chance of being an unusual size. Newer ice surfaces tend to be 200 x 85.

One potential wrench in this theory is, I believe, rinks specifically designed for figure skating are likely to be 200 x 100.

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heres my teams home rink, biggest in the UK and is 200 feet x 99 feet(61m x 29.5m) approx. it was bulit in 1938 and holds 3800




i dont doubt these measures but this rink seems alot bigger, although when the ice got lifted in 2004 they put the boards back a bit in each direction and dont think these measures include this.

incase your interested heres a couple of programme covers from back in the day



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