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Sande Max-Fx gloves

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im wearing a pair of old he750 missions i love how tight they are does sande make a pair of tight gloves.

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They start to hit retail in mid July... and our Dealer network has grown considerably from last year. Ultimatley we would love to get more dealers, but we have been in business for over 5 years now and we are growing faster than ever before. so if you need help to find or locate them email us and we can assist to locate the best dealer for you. MSRP will be approx 129.00 for the heatseeker Pros.

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well my birthday is mid july and i was going to get the max-fx's would love to give the heatseekers a shot.

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bump for sande. do you have any firm dates? i am looking to get these gloves and wanted to know where they stand.

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They're excellent gloves, but the palms I had on my Max980s were too slick for me. I switched to TPS HGTs with Digital palms, and it was definitely an improvement in that area. The HGT's tapered fingers give a comparable grip as the Trigger Finger (or whatever they're called now), as both essentially let you close your hands tighter on the stick. If they have improved the grip on the palms, they're definitely a great choice.

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I have some MaxPro's that I love. Need to get them re-palmed though. Sande, do you provide that servise, or have any recommendations? I loved the feel right from the start. Nice and soft.

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I have heard the Sandes are "bulkier" than eagles and other gloves. Is this true?

Max Pros are a little bulkier but are more snug fitting that say an X70, They ship with plastic inserts just about everywhere you can put them too. I have never seen a glove that is as protective as the Max Pro, though some people find it to be too much.

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