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Compartment Syndrome

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I think I may have it from over exertion of the muscle in my lower leg. Causes great pain in my calf and foot after every shift. Like to know if anyone else has been diagnosed with it. Thanks.

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compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

compartment syndrome refers mostly to severe broken bones such as the femur. There are tiny little holes in your bone where you blood vessels travel, and swelling takes place and cuts the blood supply off to the lower extremety, not allowing any oxygen. If you have severe swelling the leg its possible that you could have some blood supply cut off, if you leg would be pale white cold and no pedal (foot) pulses.

sorry for the repeat, my computer messed up... hope this helps some

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rws, that's true in the case of acute compartment syndrome, but chronic compartment syndrome can develop in the absence of a fracture. To the OP, it's important that you take a little time off from hockey allow that leg to rest. It could be compartment syndrome, could be a stress fracture, could be a couple different things, but you don't want to exacerbate whatever it is. It might be a good idea to go get it checked out by your primary care doc, and he can refer you to an ortho specialist if he finds anything out of the ordinary.

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I have a friend whose sister played basketball at Bowling Green and she got it when she was a freshman and never did anything about it and it got so bad that she had to have surgery and can't do any physical activity with the arm because the swelling comes back and pretty much causes her forearm to permacramp and it stays balled up and they had to surgical fix it... So my advice to you would be to take this seriously, cuz she didn't think very much of it and now shes permantly disabled

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Yeah, it's been bugging me for months now. Not sure what it is but I have gone to my doctor and I had a blood test, cat scan on my back to see if it was a pinched nerve and a recently i just got a nerve conduction test to see that my nerves were firing properly. All checked out fine so the last doctor said he'll recommended me to a sports specialist and also said it might be chronic compartment syndrome. So after reading about it, it sounds possible that I may have it but I'm still not sure.

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im not sure about chronic recurrences, but acute episodes usually trp blood and fluid i the muscle fascia, and could cut off circulation to anything distal. not to be messe dwith, get it looked at

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It's funny you mention this. I only just heard about it, Brian Sutherby with the caps is going to miss the next 7-10 days with compartment syndrome. He was just stitched up today at practice

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