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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey shops

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For spring break I'll be going up to visit relatives, and I'm wondering if there are any good hockey shops (goalie stuff too!) on the way from Philadelphia to Mississauga. (Mississauga is in Ontario, Canada)

Normally when I find a spot on the internet, I'd write it down, but since none of them are near me, I don't. My dad would kind of like to know soon, and that's why I need your help!

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Great Skate H/Q is in Amherst, New York (about two minutes from where I currently sit) - pretty close to the border; probably closer to the Buffalo/Ft. Erie crossing than the Niagara.

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Depends on the route.

Anything remotely on the way. I can make the route where the hockey shops are...

Sticks and skates(Hockey2.com) is about 30 minutes out of your way if you're taking the northeast extension to 81 around Wilkes-Barre and picking up 90 around Syracuse.

Great Skate H/Q is in Amherst, New York (about two minutes from where I currently sit) - pretty close to the border; probably closer to the Buffalo/Ft. Erie crossing than the Niagara.

Plus the Niagara crossing is usually a mess.

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All depends on which bridge you go over. There are days where you will be screwed no matter what, but, for the most part, the Whirlpool Bridge is a better bet than the Rainbow - although the sights (and surrounding attractions) aren't as good.

If you go over at Buffalo/Ft. Erie (Peace Bridge), you'll be able to hit Reid's - sweet little shop just across the border on the Canuck side. The Rainbow Bridge will bring you relatively close to Cupolos, and a few other decent shops a little farther into Ontario.

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