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Player Poll Results

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Nobody expects him to be the most respected player in the league yet, he hasn't even been in it two full seasons yet. That he even got three votes says a lot about him.

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In the "most hated" category, Crosby got 5 out of 283 votes for 1.9% of the players polled. That represents 5 players whose hate = envy = jealousy. As for "most respected", the players voted for above him all have 10+ years in the NHL. The fact that he received 3 votes at all is interesting. Just to be silly, he received more "respect" than Mats Sundin! Oh, that was by 1 vote. When analyzing numbers like this, sometimes the % number will skew the ranking and vice versa based on the total actual numbers polled. For best player after Crosby's 144 votes, 2nd place was Thornton with only 20 votes. That is a lot of room between first and second place.

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I think that jealousy/hate steams from Crosby beeing so "polite". Seems like a facade everytime he is infront of a camera he chooses to act diplomatic instead of just beeing himself. He's the type that won't utter a word, if he can avoid it, without consulting with his PR-manager first.

To me he comes across as a phoney dick in terms of his off-ice behavior. On-ice he is absolutely awesome.

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