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TPS Response R8 Shoulder Pads

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I saw those as well, they look very, different, but nice. Depending on if I can check them out I would consider them along with the itechs and nbh.

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Wow, those Farrell pads look great. The first time that I saw the R8's i thought the concept of a vest type of pad would be more comfortable and less restrictive than the traditional shoulder pad.

Unfortunately, i have not been able to find a pair to try on in the Toronto area and I have been to approx. seven hockey shops. My biggest concern is the proper sizing of the pads as it looks like they open/close from the front in the middle. I am 6 feet and approx. 190ilbs and am unsure if I need a medium or a large and the TPS site although revamped does not have a sizing chart to reference.

I'm a little impatient as we all are when it comes tome to purchasing new equipment and will probably buy these online unless anyone in the greater Toronto area seen these at any LHS. :D

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Hey, what's the difference in the R8 and R6, except the color? The TPS site doesn't have very much info on it, and they look practically identical. Thanks!

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The TPS pads were pretty warm when I tried them on, they didn't seem to breathe very well.

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Been wearing the R8 for a couple of months now and have not found them to be warmer than any of the other brands I have tried (Jofa, Mission Sub Zero).

The R8's vest style protection is all individual pads while the R6's are stamped from one piece of foam (doesn't conform to the body as well as the R8).

P.S. I'm 5'9" weigh 175 wearing a medium size.

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Very interesting..........I was thinking about upgrading my shoulder pads and was going to look at the CCM Vector 10.0 (because of the low-profile shoulder caps), but now i'm wondering if these may be better for me. I currently use Bauer Classics, which are the very basic kind of shoulder pads. Nike V-14 peaked my interest, too, but I wonder if these new TPS pads provide nice 'bulk-free' movement.


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JBP I'm wearing sub-zeros now, how do these compare to the R8's

Actually wore Sub-Zero's myself for a few years. R8 is more comfortable in the body area as they offer more freedom of movement (removed and don't use the velcro on plastic strip on sternum area and under ribs. The shoulder and bicep/tricep are bulkier (remenicent of the top of the line Jofa/RBK 8K)Definitely more protective than the Sub-Zero's.

Will wear mine over the summer and let all know if they are overly warm. Oh ya' took a screamer of a shot in the chest and just felt the impact (no bruise thank my various dietys).

The pads work.

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Sorry to revive an old thread, but - Has anyone worn both the R8 and the Farrell pads? I like the lower profile shoulder caps on the Farrells, but I like the way the R8 pads move independently so I'm trying to figure out if its worth my time to try to find a LHS that carries them to try on.

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