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What is Ovechkin worth?

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Hell if I was Dynamo, I'd ask at least twice that amount. He is in very high demand and they can definitely take advantage of that. This is why its a good thing that the Caps won the lottery and not the Pens.

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From what I've seen of the two (limited), I think Malkin will be better in the NHL.

I think thats what a lot of the scouts said, but they also said Ovechkin is an immediate sure thing, while Malkin is more of a gamble.

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they also said that with Daigle...

look, I'm not doubting him, I just don't think you can put your hopes on one person, let alone a rookie.

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So I don't get what you mean? Are you saying the Caps just should have picked someone of lesser talent with the 1st pick?

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no...I'm just trying to say that no ONE player can save a team, you know what I mean? The caps made a good move drafting him, but I'm just sayin that they shouldn't believe that they have it made. Look at pittsburgh and M.A. Fleury.

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I hardly think the Caps believe they "have it made". Ovechkin is certainly an amazing step towards rebuilding a team though.

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I have no problem with Dynamo asking for $ 2 million. It's only fair since they were the ones who have developed the talent.

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How so? To me it'd be like Seattle or another junior club asking money for its players since "they developed the talent." It's just red tape from dealing with a poor nation.

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I'm with you on this one for the most part Mack. I would have no problem with a $1M price tag on the number on pick, but all of the cash shouldn't go to the club. Most of it should be reinvested to help provide more or better facilities to develop more players.

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Good point. If the money goes to something useful like that, that'd be different but I'm guessing this just goes as a down payment against future kidnapping of Ovechkin's family.

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He only has one more year on his contract with Dynamo, they can let him skate for another year there, develope, and come to the NHL in 2005 bigger, faster, and stronger than he is now. IF the Caps had any talent on their team they could allow him to do this, but they need him to get the fans interested in the team again after there firesale at the end of last season.

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Exactly, the Craps are kind of forced to pay whatever to get him over there because that team is pathetic. It's not scientific but with their updated rosters on NHL 2004 they aren't getting more than 10 wins a season.

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He only has one more year on his contract with Dynamo, they can let him skate for another year there, develope, and come to the NHL in 2005 bigger, faster, and stronger than he is now. IF the Caps had any talent on their team they could allow him to do this, but they need him to get the fans interested in the team again after there firesale at the end of last season.

Correct but they own his rights for 6 more years, according to some reports.

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Don't NHL teams pay CHL teams a sum for every player that they draft from them?

I'm 95% sure they do. I think even when players are drafted intot he CHL their minor league system gets some money thats why it's so difficult (at least around here) to move around. I wouldn't be surprised if all the teams that a drafting (NHL) player comes from recieves some sort of funding.

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