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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm so MAD right now...

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I am so pis#ed right now. I went to a friends tonight to grab some money he owed me and give another friend there a ride home. Well I stopped in and ended up playing another buddy that was there in basketball in the basement. A couple of girls and a guy came in that go to my school. They were there for about 15 min and left, well I had to get going. When I was getting ready to leave, I noticed my abercrombie zip up jacket my G/F baught me for our 1 year was gone. I took it off to play basketball and had it hanging up and they snagged it. I can't believe this sh*t right now. I called the people that left and they denied it but I could tell by the way they were acting that they took it. This really pisses me off right now, it was a $100 jacket, but it meant a lot more than that to me. It could have been any other of my hoodies and I wouldn't care. I learned tonight that I guess you can't trust anyone, and that there is a lot of rats out there. Im not as mad as I was 40 min ago. I dont know what I should do, I'll get in there face at school tommorow about it, but I just doubt I will ever get it back. What would you guys do. I thought about doing a lot of things, but my luck is I would get caught and get in more trouble or a fine or something. This just really sucks. Plus I dont really want to stoop down to such a low life worthless level. Im sorry this is so long and what not, I'm just really upset, and I haven't been this mad a long long time. I figure I should start watching ebay for it, maybe I'll get lucky and they'll try to sell it and I will find it. ..... :blink:

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Which zip-up was it?

I work at Abercrombie and Fitch; while I can't do anything about the sentimental value of the hoodie, I MIGHT be able to replace it dirt-cheap. There are a couple winter left-overs and returns lying around/hidden in the stock-room (that probably won't be there much longer - they'll either get thrown-out by management or, more likely, bought by employees). I think there are a couple of the $250 jackets that have been marked down to $40. Just the other day, one of the guys I work with bought the Ezra Fitch cashmere sweater (full-price: ~$300) for $20.

Most of the left-over stuff is horribly out-of-style (that's the stuff that'll be thrown-out), but I might be able to find you a gem.

...the perks of the job go beyond the 30% (occasionally 50%) discount and the fact that I am paid to flirt with girls all day (don't tell my girlfriend).

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...the customers suck. I'm talking about flirting with the female employees.

The only thing that really sucks about the job is the fact that I have to shave just about every day I work - they've made me head into the bathroom to shave with some two-blade, disposable piece of shit before.

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I'll take my Fusion Power, thank you very much.

...you have to be 18+ to work at Abercrombie and Fitch; 16+ to work at abercrombie kids.

Sabretooth (Buffalo Sabres mascot) works at the abercrombie kids store in my mall.

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The Abercrombie Eagle Republic stores here all have the same-looking female employees, but it's good to know they're officially legal to work there because I don't trust my eyes.

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ahh, highschool. good times, good times. sure, you could kick the crap out of him, but i think your best chance of actually getting the jacket back is to just talk, making sure you're firm, but not too aggressive. there's a fine line between coming across like a bitch and making him want to fight, hah.

look him straight in the eye and say something along the lines of: "i don't care if you 'accidently' took my jacket, if your friend stole it, or if anna nicole smith's rotting corpse tap-danced into my buddy's house and took it while i was playing basketball, and she dropped it off at your house...i just want it back. i don't care who did it, i don't even want to know. but i know it was there when you got there and gone when you left. find a way to get it back to me by tomorrow alright? i won't ask any questions."

hopefully he'll agree to talk to his friend and "see what he can do" and mysteriously, he'll be able to get it back. if he still denies it or gets overly aggressive when you talk [accuse him], then how you react is obviously up to you. i don't think we should be advocating fighting on here though...

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oh and speaking of thieves...and how much i hate them...i lost about $600 worth of stuff out of my rink locker the other night. i know who did it and would recognize them, but i have no way of finding them. even if i do find them, they're definitely under 18. if i do run into them at another rink (hopefully while using my stuff), the plan is to take my stuff back, then flat out steal the rest of their stuff from them while they watch. as in "great...i got my stuff back. so what else do you have that i'm gonna take?" and yes, i'm mad enough that i've envisioned/planned that. i know i'm lame. either that or try to threaten them by calling cops or parents. i believe larceny is considered more serious if the value of items taken is over $500...

i guess i'm trying to say i feel your pain :]

and more blades isn't better, dammit!

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  reaper07 said:

abercrombie eagle?

theres abercrombie and fitch

then theres american eagle

haven't heard of that one dude

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He's grouping them together. Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle have a fairly similar style in that many people who shop at Abercrombie and Fitch have a few American Eagle items in their closet, and vice versa - though American Eagle's clothes are of slightly "lower" quality (generally speaking) and are typically much cheaper. The stores' overall images are somewhat different, as well, which brings you back to quality/price.

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  LkptTiger said:
  reaper07 said:

abercrombie eagle?

theres abercrombie and fitch

then theres american eagle

haven't heard of that one dude

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He's grouping them together. Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle have a fairly similar style in that many people who shop at Abercrombie and Fitch have a few American Eagle items in their closet, and vice versa - though American Eagle's clothes are of slightly "lower" quality (generally speaking) and are typically much cheaper. The stores' overall images are somewhat different, as well, which brings you back to quality/price.

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Mack also lumped in Banana Republic which is my personal fave. The ladies that shop there have a little more class and are usually office girls in their 20s.

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  LkptTiger said:

I'll take my Fusion Power, thank you very much.

...you have to be 18+ to work at Abercrombie and Fitch; 16+ to work at abercrombie kids.

Sabretooth (Buffalo Sabres mascot) works at the abercrombie kids store in my mall.

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In costume????? That's hilarious!

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I think he just means the guy that wears the costume... Though if he does do it in costume, I'm in favor of that... I hate how Sabretooth just magically changed colours this year. I know a big red animal wouldn't match the new uniforms, I know, but they should have just come up with a new mascot - it just bugs me. Like how sometimes Charlie Brown would wear an orange shirt, or a green shirt instead of yellow.

... Oh yeah, and it sucks how that guy's jacket got stolen. High school kids are kleptomaniacs, I swear.

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  LkptTiger said:

American Eagle's clothes are of slightly "lower" quality (generally speaking) and are typically much cheaper. The stores' overall images are somewhat different, as well, which brings you back to quality/price.

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Don't let price fool you, the quality of AE and AF are pretty much right on par. They are both low quality mainstream lifestyle brands. It matters what you gauge quality as, though. If you think one of those very thin combed cotton ribed AF tanks is high quality just because it has a soft hand, you are mistaken. It may feel great, but the stiching is poor and the weight of the fabric is very light. I remember a quote from Michael Jeffries (Chairman and CEO of AF) "In the past few years we have lowered the quality of our merch while raising the prices, and our sales have increased. Thats what I call a business plan"

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I mostly shop at Abercrombie but their styles are jsut getting rediculous too, I went in looking for regular gym shorts, all the have are cut off sweat pants. Old Abercrombie like 5 years ago was way better.

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  Vapor said:
I remember a quote from Michael Jeffries (Chairman and CEO of AF) "In the past few years we have lowered the quality of our merch while raising the prices, and our sales have increased. Thats what I call a business plan"

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Getting slightly off-topic: have you ever seen that guy? He's got implants in just about every major muscle group in his body. It's disturbing.

...and no, Sabretooth doesn't wear his costume during his abercrombie kids shifts.

There are actually two Sabertooths. The guy I know is the one that is around the arena during the game, on the ice during the 3-Stars, etc. There is another, "stunt" Sabretooth - he's the one that repels from the rafters before the game.

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I thought The Punisher killed that guy in the movie.

  hockeyherb said:
  LkptTiger said:
  reaper07 said:

abercrombie eagle?

theres abercrombie and fitch

then theres american eagle

haven't heard of that one dude

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He's grouping them together. Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle have a fairly similar style in that many people who shop at Abercrombie and Fitch have a few American Eagle items in their closet, and vice versa - though American Eagle's clothes are of slightly "lower" quality (generally speaking) and are typically much cheaper. The stores' overall images are somewhat different, as well, which brings you back to quality/price.

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Mack also lumped in Banana Republic which is my personal fave. The ladies that shop there have a little more class and are usually office girls in their 20s.

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I sure did and used to shop there for some things but lately I've noticed it's just a slightly different crowd than I see in the other stores I mentioned and lumped together. Then again it's a hugely yuppie area I live in.

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