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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skated on Pitch 3's for the first time last night.

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Awesome. They have a really nice feel, Feels really similar to my Old Tuuk Custom Plus but adjustable. There was no adjustment for me.. The steel seems pretty damn solid as well. I've only tried the Neutral position so far and I really liked it, I'm going to try the other too just for the hell of it. I'll be sticking with these for sure!

BTW, I was the only person at the LHS that ever took any Tuuk (even if it was broken) off for a Pitch :ph34r:



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That's what I'm looking to do with my one90's, keep us updated with how it goes. The only problem is no shops around here stock the pitch holders, so I might have to send them out (JR, you listening :P ).

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That's excellent, a very nice upgrade. You won't have to worry about broken or clicking steel, plus your sharpenings will last longer. Definately try the forward setting.

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That's what I was going to do to mine but I just kept the LS2Ps on. I really didn't have any reason to, plus the LS2P was new so needed to touch on that.

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Awesome. I think the only holder I would ever replace my current ones with would als be the Pitch 3. Tried them on some L7's didn't like the skate but liked the blade and holder..

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Wow that's such a nice setup. I was thinking about doing that setup to my Supreme 70's because I just can't get used to the LS2P's. Those or E-Blades

That's such a nice setup. I was thinking about doing the same thing to my Supreme 70's because I just can't get used to the LS2 Powers. I was trying to choose between the Pitch and E-Blade holders, both of which I really liked.

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