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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Does your beer league team have a designated Captain and Alternate Captains?

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my old beer league team was started by this russian guy and he had all our jerseys ordered from the russian hockey federation.. the captain had a K on his jersey instead of a C..

my old beer league team was started by this russian guy and he had all our jerseys ordered from the russian hockey federation.. the captain had a K on his jersey instead of a C..

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I'm tired of everyone referring to beer league hockey as if it were just a bunch of pick-up games. It's a lot more organized than that.

That's a fair point, some of them have gotten pretty sophisticated. Some of them haven't and it's intentional. There are up and down sides to both.

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I can't remember the last time I saw a beer league team with a C or A...

most leagues have Coordinators..a thankless job for sure...

you can say whatever you want during a game or inbetween at the bench, C/A or nothing doesn't mean people are going to listen...

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our league, both ice and roller, if you don't have a C or an A you are not allowed to talk to the refs, and if you do you are sitting in the penalty box for delay of game... its pretty stupid, cause we have some pretty vocal guys on our team, my team this year was thinking about putting A's on every single person's jersey just cause there was no rule about having a certain amount of A's or C's...

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for some reason the refs always treat me as the captain. I guess it is because im the only one on the team that doesnt treat them like jerks. Hell there are some teams in our league that have coaches. I never played on a team with captains but have seen it,

I'm tired of everyone referring to beer league hockey as if it were just a bunch of pick-up games. It's a lot more organized than that.

our rink even has it broken down in to skill levels. a,b, and rec.

two refs. so it is pretty organized. some of the other rinks in the area only have drop in leagues or pay by the game leagues. Ours even supplies jerseys.

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We have designated captains (you sign up for captain at the beginning of the season and draft the team, but other than that the responsibilities are pretty minimal) in my beer league. Assistant captain is assigned on an as-needed basis (basically if the captain has to miss a game).

The refs are pretty low-key about talking to non-captains most of the time; if you ask for a clarification or why something was called they're nice about explaining it, and they won't throw you out if you complain about a call (a little bit ;)). If there's a serious disagreement or some scuffling they'll make everyone but the captains go back to the benches while they talk it out, though.

Last game the other team had a hand pass right off a faceoff that I wasn't sure the refs saw, so I yelled "HAND PASS!". The one ref was laughing about it after, he told me he definitely heard me, but he didn't see it so couldn't whistle it. Fortunately the other ref did. :) We always have two refs, sometimes 3 depending.

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The team I play on is soooo disorganized. Last year the "captain" forgot to get Jerseys, so a few days before our first game he called everybody and told them to pick up maroon numbered jerseys. So guys showed up with the same numbers..lol.

But, he redeemed himself and picked up some real nice jerseys for our next game with names and everything.

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We had letters on our older jerseys, but skipped them on the newer ones. We left them off since both of our As no longer play with us, and our new As don't want to switch numbers, and we are too lazy to move the letters.

We play in a small league, so the refs know who is in charge. I would be considered an A, but I talk to the refs as much or more than our C. He yells more though. The refs listen to me more. :lol:

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From my point of view having C's and A's is helpful. I know it's nice when the refs will explain to anyone that asks in a civil fashion, the problem comes when the refs won't explain to someone being an asshole and they whine to the league about the refs displaying favoritism. It's just easier when there's one standard that applies to everyone.

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