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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

skate question

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i am getting a new pair of skates, and i was wondering if you could put a doctor shcoles insole into the skates and take the other one out? would it affect your skating , and the size of the skate ? ( because they are really thick )

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I wanted to try to, so i went and grabbed some Spenco Polysorb insoles i had that are really comfortable and when i put my foot in after i inserted them it got really tyte on my foot, just my experience, try em and see what happens

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Make sure that you bring your footbeds to your lhs & try them in the model you are interested in....chances are that you will have to change your size/width.

Don't know if it will effect your skating but it could reduce some of the responsiveness/feel... depending on the construction of the footbed.

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Just get the skate heat formed.. Ithink that would probably help and u wouldn't need new insoles.

Baking the skate shouldn't change the footbed.

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