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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For those that think tattoing is just a fad... :rolleyes:


Anyway, my ink, and the fiances ink:

Right Arm - Half Sleeve




Still yet to be completed, the artist is in Hawaii until August...

The Wifey


Same deal, artist in Hawaii until August

"Lucky" Back Piece


Just started 4.29.07, will update with color after next appointment

I should have a rib piece done in about 4 weeks or so, can't fuckin' wait :D

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For those that think tattoing is just a fad... :angry:


The current popularity is the fad. Sure they've been around for a long time but they have only been accepted on the fringes of civilized society until recently.

Doesn't necessarily qualify all ink as a "fad".

These little emo kids getting the same crap tattoed on them, the same flash designs, the little wannabe-punk rock stuff - yeah, that's a fad.

Anyone can get the balls to get some little dinky piece of ink, but to get a large amount done, that's beyond being a "fad"...

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For those that think tattoing is just a fad... :rolleyes:


The current popularity is the fad. Sure they've been around for a long time but they have only been accepted on the fringes of civilized society until recently.

Doesn't necessarily qualify all ink as a "fad".

These little emo kids getting the same crap tattoed on them, the same flash designs, the little wannabe-punk rock stuff - yeah, that's a fad.

Anyone can get the balls to get some little dinky piece of ink, but to get a large amount done, that's beyond being a "fad"...

Never said it all was. I would actually call the large increase in people getting substantial work done, the actual fad. Most people I've seen who have had them done got one or two, barring the sideshow freaks in the old days. In the last decade I've seen more and more people with absurd amounts of coverage. Maybe it's a generational thing and at some point everyone will have their arm, leg and most of their back covered with some type of design. Your assertion that having more work done makes you and your ink somehow more relevant implies that it's just another "more is better" type of thinking that makes no sense to me.

This is not to bash everyone with ink. Hey, if you want something on your body for the rest of your life, go for it. Just remember that not everyone is going to share your taste and that may very well include the person interviewing you for your next job.

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When I was younger, few people had tattoos. People who had been in the military often had a tattoo, as well as people who hung out in groups/gangs. The only person from my peers who had a tattoo was my brother. However, watch an NBA game from the early 90's, and it's quite obvious tattoos have been a fad over the last 10-13 years -- one that is likely here to stay.

I remember visiting my friends in New England around 1995, while i was living in SD, and I told them they'd be seeing tattos and goatees shortly. They gave me a funny look, so I told them, "Most fads start in Southern Cal. I guarantee you that you'll start seeing guys growing goatees and having a barbed wire type tattoo." Sure enough....

About four years after that, it was girls putting pin striping on the nape of the back.

Maybe five years ago, people started added Chinese characters.

The last two to three years, I've noticed the trend is to have multiple tattoos. It appears some people have tried to create an element of composition as they transition into each other, almost like a mural, while many appear to be adding tattoos randomly.

However, because getting a tattoo has clearly become a rite of passage, one concern I have for the kids who are having ink in more visible locations is it might hurt them occasionally in the future. In other words, tattoos on the neck or hands can't be hidden when needed, such as in job interviews.

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#1 - Tattoos becoming more mainstream is definitely a generational thing, for sure. Kids/Young adults these days are ALOT more open minded as a whole. Just look at the push for legalization of marijuana... I'm 25 now, and I guarantee by the time my generation is in power in Washington, there is going to be some reform. And by the time my sons generation is making the decisions, it will belegalized.

Every generation gets a little more liberal and free-thinking. Hence the increase in tattoos you see. It's a lifestyle shift. (case in point, the last two replies - age: 33/45)

#2 - The FAD you keep referring to is DEFINITELY the Kanji Characters/Barbed Wire/etc. Totally agree with that. 99% of tribal is/was/willforeverbe a fad.

#3 - Not saying "more" is necessarily better. But 99% of the time, the people with half-sleeves, full-sleeves, back pieces, chest/rib pieces, etc have put A LOT of thought and consideration into the amount of ink they are getting, the design of the tattoo, and the affect that having such a large piece will have on their careers, social life, etc.

Most people with a lot of coverage have put many hours into research on design, concept, type of artwork, finding an artist, actually GETTING the tattoo (s), among other things.

So yes, there is a difference between those with larger (or more - for the most part) tattoos, and it's the fact that they've decided that they want a piece that is "x" big, or "x" many of pieces, and it's something that they are going to permanently put on their body, and they're ok with that. That's dedication right there. Way more than a simple "fad/trendy" flash design that you walk in, pick off the wall, and get done in about 20 minutes.... that crap isn't getting tattoed, it's more like being branded. There's a reason that most tattoo artists HATE doing flash work.

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I like the koi, Starscream... I'm in the works of sketching one out for my upper arm...hoping it will someday be a sleeve.

I actually thought of getting a sleeve of Pat Lee's 1st gen Transformers... Starscream included. He's actually one of my favorites. haha

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I think if your going to get a tattoo you've got to be smart about it. I think WHERE you get your tattoo is more important than anything else. If your 20 years old, dont be getting a full sleeve tattoo or something on your neck or hand, because your chances of getting a good job with benefits and the like just got drastically reduced to next to nil.

I've got four tattoos, three of them you can't see if I wear a shirt, and the fourth you can't see if I wear pants.

In my opinion, getting a tattoo isn't about showing it off to the world, its about you and what you want to signify or pay homage (sp) to in your life. Maybe getting a full sleeve or huge back piece is how much space the artist needs to portray everything you wish to have on your body though.

I don't really know. Of course there are people that get tattoos or piercings that are visible so that people can see, for example the 'badass' with the skull and crossbones death to all betrayers leg sleeve, but thats more an ego type thing than anything else in my opinion..

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I think if your going to get a tattoo you've got to be smart about it. I think WHERE you get your tattoo is more important than anything else. If your 20 years old, dont be getting a full sleeve tattoo or something on your neck or hand, because your chances of getting a good job with benefits and the like just got drastically reduced to next to nil.

I've got four tattoos, three of them you can't see if I wear a shirt, and the fourth you can't see if I wear pants.

In my opinion, getting a tattoo isn't about showing it off to the world, its about you and what you want to signify or pay homage (sp) to in your life. Maybe getting a full sleeve or huge back piece is how much space the artist needs to portray everything you wish to have on your body though.

I don't really know. Of course there are people that get tattoos or piercings that are visible so that people can see, for example the 'badass' with the skull and crossbones death to all betrayers leg sleeve, but thats more an ego type thing than anything else in my opinion..

agreed with pretty much everything said here, with one exception - the job thing. I'm 25 and work in a professional environment all the time, and everyone knows I have a half sleeve. Hasn't affected me any. And I know that this is by no means the norm, BUT it is leaning towards becoming more socially acceptable in the workplace.

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I don't believe it is accepted as much as it's tolerated, particularly since it's possible it could be illegally discriminatory to not hire someone solely because of the tattoos. However, I have no idea whether our laws address tattoos.

On the other hand, I've had conversations with business owners who have said if two applicants are equal, they wouldn't hire one who had noticeable tattoos, because they wouldn't want to take the chance of offending customers. For that reason, if one were to get tattoos which can't be hidden, I'd suggest making sure the resume is superlative.

Oh, and regarding the push for legalizing marijuana, I suspect there are some rockers from the 60's who might disagree with the notion this a recent sentiment.....

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The popularity of tattooing has increased, even in the past couple of years, due to shows like Miami Ink and Inked. These show people that tattooing isn't done in a dirty smoke filled basement by a grizzled old guy. It shows the true art and tradition behind it.

I also don't agree with Chad about how eventually you'll see a bunch of people with massive amounts of tattoos. It still hurts, like a b*tch in some places. I've got my entire back and almost both arms covered. So far its been a commitment of over $5000 and 73 hours under the needle. That's not for everyone.

Here's my latest work.

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I just got the top of my back done. Ouch! My wife called me a sissy until she got one on her ribs. Then some spots you can fall asleep. I agree it is a large comitment. I am probaly in the thousands and Have hours in. I have to agree you see more tats and they are mainstream now. My town went from having one shop to having five shops over the last decade.

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Just got it done this afternoon, its 100x better then i could have even imagined. big thanks to Jeremy at American Pride in Waterford, MI. and also to Radiogaga for inspiring the design. you need anything lemme know man, ill try to get it for ya.

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Just got it done this afternoon, its 100x better then i could have even imagined. big thanks to Jeremy at American Pride in Waterford, MI. and also to Radiogaga for inspiring the design. you need anything lemme know man, ill try to get it for ya.

Nice. Glad I could offer some assistance. So, when ya getting the next one ?(tattoo...no kid)

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well. the tattoo addiction has officaily hit me square in the face, everyone says it happens and its true. ive got 3 or 4 already picked out that im going to get, unfortunatly i dont think any new tattoo will ever top my first, that has the most meaning to me. thanks for all the help throughout the process guys, now i found something else to spend more money on! :P

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Iam looking to get a written tattoo. Just wondering if anyone knows the names of any cool fonts?

Is it a name you're getting...Script (almost like handwriting) always looks nice.

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tattoos are forever. my tats have spiritual meaning to me, and only me.

no tazmanian devils, no logos.

the only name i will ever get imbedded in my flesh is my son's.

yours came out great! i like it.

great work by the artist too.

i would also like to see better pix.

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does anyone have a recomendation for a tatoo to represent a passion for music (mainly metal-core) ? i was thinking maybe of getting the trebal cleff on back of upper left arm and bass cleff on the right one...

thoughts opinions?

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does anyone have a recomendation for a tatoo to represent a passion for music (mainly metal-core) ? i was thinking maybe of getting the trebal cleff on back of upper left arm and bass cleff on the right one...

thoughts opinions?

If it was me, I would see if I could get an artist draw something using sheet music. I'm imagining it fading out on one end. The side with the definition could use a background image that represents life, while the faded side represents death. Translation: "music is life". How much does music really mean to you?

That would be either really big, or really detailed though. Just tossing an idea out there.

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