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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fire, that's awesome........ A couple weeks ago I started thinking about getting that version of the logo on my hip, after seeing that I might just have to do it

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Hey guys, been kicking around the site and I hardly post but this is my first one back.

anyways, I've been kicking around the idea of getting my first tattoo for sometime now, and I'm looking for some imput

the design me and my brother ( a local tattoo artist ) have come up with is my family crest (Walsh) and tribal around the crest but nothing to over the top with two intertwined celtic clover's on the bottom this is going on from my shoulder to roughly just above my elbow. what do you guys think any feedback? anything I should change ? like to keep it as irish as possibly because it is for my family.


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matt its nice you wore your sweater underneath your cut off for the lady, she probally enjoied that. it looks cool tho, youll prob have to go and get some of the giant red spots touched up, but besides that it looks sweet. working with red that much, and blood dripping, skin is irritated, shes bound to miss a spot or two.

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matt its nice you wore your sweater underneath your cut off for the lady, she probally enjoied that. it looks cool tho, youll prob have to go and get some of the giant red spots touched up, but besides that it looks sweet. working with red that much, and blood dripping, skin is irritated, shes bound to miss a spot or two.

It's actually healing up quite nicely. There is a small part on the West Coast *L* that needs a touch up...but really...I'm impressed with how consistent and solid the red is.

How's the rib piece coming?

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I've never had one scab as bad as this one did, its been almost 2 weeks and theres still a little piece of scab on it and i keep putting lotion on it because the skin appears really really dry where its not scabbed p. I don't know if its placement, being that on the inside of my arm it sticks to my body/blanket/pillows when I sleep or if its cause that skin is kinda tender in that spot on your body or what the deal is.

The tattoo place didn't give me any lotion or anything like they normally do so I had to pick up my own stuff at Wal Mart (aqua something or other, can't remember right now what its called) but..

Cell phone picture btw

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I've never had one scab as bad as this one did, its been almost 2 weeks and theres still a little piece of scab on it and i keep putting lotion on it because the skin appears really really dry where its not scabbed p. I don't know if its placement, being that on the inside of my arm it sticks to my body/blanket/pillows when I sleep or if its cause that skin is kinda tender in that spot on your body or what the deal is.

The tattoo place didn't give me any lotion or anything like they normally do so I had to pick up my own stuff at Wal Mart (aqua something or other, can't remember right now what its called) but..

Cell phone picture btw

That doesn't look that bad....Mine on the inside of my arm looked like that for a while, it just took a little longer to heal. Just keep putting lotion on it every couple of hours and make sure you don't pick it

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I know everyone has a different threshold for pain etc. but I was just wondering Fire0nIce how was getting the tattoo there? I'm thinking about putting something there myself.

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Sounds good. I have no problem with needles and can take pain fairly well. Just seeing what was to be expected. Thanks! And if anyone is interested for that area I'm probably going to put my birth year in roman numerals or my number in roman numerals I've had since I was a wee lad in hockey.

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Question about touch ups...do yo guys tip for that? If so how much...as much as the initial tat?

x2 im getting touched up in a few days and im not sure what i do as far as paying for it...

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She said she might go over ALL the red in mine...so it'll take 30 minutes or so...I'm thinking 5-10 bucks...

yeah i just have a couple of faded parts tht need to be fixed up lol..

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Got my touch ups yesterday. She pretty much re-did all the red in te eleaf, the blue lines, and a couple small parts long the black outline. Now it totally looks awesome...took her just under 20 minutes...I gave her $10. She seemed genuinely surprised when I handed her cash...so I guess I wasn't too cheap with it.

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10 is good for most touch ups, i throw my guy 20-40 pending on how much were doing, but he charges me next to nothing for what i have done, and ive been in his chair for over 60 hours, he needs the extra 10 bucks here and there. keep your artist happy and they will keep you happy, its worked very well for me.

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Radiogaga... that looks really good... and I can tell you that it does mean "dragon". Some people get the chinese characters done up, and it completely means something else.

My chinese zodiac sign is a rabbit... not exactly the most majestic creature around, but I think I come up with some pretty good designs.

i actually read through this entire thread >.< and being chinese if you needed any conformation, that is the chinese letter for dragon...and i love the tat

i remember there was a denver nugget player who had a chinese word tat and my dad said it completely meant something stupid...or a insult to himself or something...wonder if he knew

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Radiogaga... that looks really good... and I can tell you that it does mean "dragon". Some people get the chinese characters done up, and it completely means something else.

My chinese zodiac sign is a rabbit... not exactly the most majestic creature around, but I think I come up with some pretty good designs.

i actually read through this entire thread >.< and being chinese if you needed any conformation, that is the chinese letter for dragon...and i love the tat

i remember there was a denver nugget player who had a chinese word tat and my dad said it completely meant something stupid...or a insult to himself or something...wonder if he knew

Phew....3 years later....and having added to it...if it didn't mean Dragon I'd be PISSED!

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lol my bad...i didn't read the date...but i find it funny now how many people actually put chinese letters in tats...i wonder if this is a trend or something

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lol my bad...i didn't read the date...but i find it funny now how many people actually put chinese letters in tats...i wonder if this is a trend or something

The original small symbol is a few years old...the dragon itself was just done last Dec.

When you read the description of a "Dragon" ...specificially a Fire sign Dragon...it's SOOO me. Even though I'm not Asian...it fit.

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