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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm renting a two hour block of ice THIS saturday 5/12 in Brooklyn Park. It's going to be from 12-215 PM, and as of now we have at least 1 goalie, possibly two. Just letting you guys know, so if you want to get some ice time in, post in here. It was only 65$ an hour, so figure on it being right around 10$ or so to play for a few hours. Post here if you want in.

I'm trying to keep it to around 20 / 25 guys, so post up quick.

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Im a maybe. I gotta see what i have going on, but Ill let you know as soon as possible.

Sounds good let me know.

Just letting you guys know I just rented the ice, so this is a go for sure.

Sat. 5/12 from 12-2 PM Brooklyn Park Ice Arena off 85th and 169.

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I'd definitely be up for that if I can come. Right now it's 50/50. I'll let you know for sure in a couple days.

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