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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior's choice for the new Lie Options

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Why,when the brains a warrior sat down and decided what new lie to offer did they go with 4,5,6

Check out the 06 Warrior Pro Stock pattern chart, theres a total of Two 6 lies and about fifteen 3 or 3.5's

Wouldn't this imply that they should offer 3,4,5 as the options?


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Most average meatheads don't bend there knees like professional skaters do. Not to mention I imagine you are referring to the hockey monkey chart which may as well have been made by a monkey throwing poop against a wall.

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You must also account for Warrior's lies being off by 1 it seems. A 4 is actually a 5, etc.

I wonder if this same scale works for the pro stock - a 3 is actually a 4...??

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You must also account for Warrior's lies being off by 1 it seems. A 4 is actually a 5, etc.

So the new extreme offering is a 7?(6).

I have to admit I'm frusterated because I'd love to have a federov in a 3 (4) lie. I cut my stick a little shorter than I think I'd preffer, just to get off the heel and to get more of the toe.

Not to mention I imagine you are referring to the hockey monkey chart which may as well have been made by a monkey throwing poop against a wall.

Yes, that's the Chart I was refering to.

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Most average meatheads don't bend there knees like professional skaters do. Not to mention I imagine you are referring to the hockey monkey chart which may as well have been made by a monkey throwing poop against a wall.

that's entertaining! average meatheads! which yes if someone that prefers the same stick length and were the same height, and had the same wrist to floor ratio ... the pooping meathead would benefit from a higher lie angle than the professional (non-pooping meathead) skater...

(golf equipment reference - golf also suffers from no "true" standard lie or specification standards although golfworks and golfsmith like to pretend that there is one...)

plus I have seen visually lie angle differences in batches of the same blade, by the same manufacturer, that is supposed to be the same lie angle that aren't. I wonder what the actual tolerances are....

one thing about the lie angle number - it doesn't ever reference a specific lie angle in degrees. So, it almost implies lower tolerances.


You must also account for Warrior's lies being off by 1 it seems. A 4 is actually a 5, etc.

I wonder if this same scale works for the pro stock - a 3 is actually a 4...??

is the problem that they mispublish? or is it more likely that since there isn't some "iso" or "IEEE" or that there isn't an "SI"/ Le Système international d'unités which pretty much everyone but the U.S. agree to use where there is some specific "official meter" to compare against... or like the atomic clock which i think uses cesium atom to define a second.

So, it seems more that since a hockey stick isn't completely straight (like golf clubs) that there might be some variance as to how they actually take the measurements. (Golf analogy would be how Scotty Cameron 35" putters were always slightly shorter than Ping 35" putters.)

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Most average meatheads don't bend there knees like professional skaters do. Not to mention I imagine you are referring to the hockey monkey chart which may as well have been made by a monkey throwing poop against a wall.

Damn good post! :D I agree Jokerit, it would be so nice if there were a standard system, but it seems like that would be hard with how blades are often rockered. Lie is such a big issue that most kids ignore. I couldn't stickhandle until I flukishly got a good stick length and lie combination. All of a sudden my head was up all the time. Makes such a big difference.

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Most average meatheads don't bend there knees like professional skaters do. Not to mention I imagine you are referring to the hockey monkey chart which may as well have been made by a monkey throwing poop against a wall.

haha...nice one...yeah hockey monkey is seriously off when it comes to describing lies and curves

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The numbers we use in our DB are comparative and based on the "functional lie" of a blade. Manufacturers don't use a common method for determining lie so we do our best to help bridge that gap.

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