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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dare to Dream 1980

Working out

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whey + carbs is most beneficial post workout, so make sure you do it then. you could grab a shake 20-30 pre workout if you wanted to, that would help as well.

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Afterwards - whatever is consumed in the ~45 minutes following a work-out is what is mostly used in the rebuilding of muscle tissue.

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Dont drink a protine shake before you work out!!!! just eat a friggen sandwich and have a glass of milk.

+1 on the whey and some carbs after you work out, the sooner the better. With a good meal at about the 90 minute mark after you lift.

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there is nothing wrong with a protein shake 20 minutes pre workout if you cant grab a meal 45 mintues pre. ;)

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you are all wrong! :D

The most optimal way to stimulate protein synthesis.

1. Free essential amino acids on empty stomach 5min before exercise. 6-12g is enough

2. Vitargo and free essential amino acids during exercise

3. 1g of Vitargo/2lbs of bodyweight and 6-12g free essential amino acids after exercise

6g EAA (essential amino acids) raises the protein synthesis more than 30g whey protein does.

The body digests EAA 20 times faster than it digests whey protein. The faster the better..

But still, a regular post workout/weightgainer drink would work just fine for allmost everyone :)

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Here is my meal regimen:

4:30am Wake up - 1 serv each of BSN Nitrix and Multi vitamine

5:30am Breakfast - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

8:30am Mid morning snack - fruit

11:30am - 1 serv Nitrix

12:00pm Lunch - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

2:30pm Mid afternoon snack - anything low fat, low sugar, low salt

4:30pm Pre workout drink - 1 serv BSN N.O. X-Plode (This stuff is amazing. I take this before any exercise activity as it helps with muscle energy/muscle recovery)

5:00-6:30pm - Workout

6:30pm Post-Workout Drink - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (Creatine drink for muscle recovery)

7:30pm Dinner - Low carb meal inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

10:00pm Bedtime - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (nighttime muscle recovery)

I follow this schedule Monday thru Friday and it gives me about 180-200g of protein, 100-150g carbs (mostly before workout and very little from sugar), and 3000-3500 cal.

By the way, I'm 5'11" (181cm for those of you north of the border) and 175lb (80kg) with low to mid teens in % body fat.

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you are all wrong! :D

The most optimal way to stimulate protein synthesis.

1. Free essential amino acids on empty stomach 5min before exercise. 6-12g is enough

2. Vitargo and free essential amino acids during exercise

3. 1g of Vitargo/2lbs of bodyweight and 6-12g free essential amino acids after exercise

6g EAA (essential amino acids) raises the protein synthesis more than 30g whey protein does.

The body digests EAA 20 times faster than it digests whey protein. The faster the better..

But still, a regular post workout/weightgainer drink would work just fine for allmost everyone :)

actually you are off. first he was asking about protein, so thats why i spoke of protein. second, 5 min pre workout is not the recommended its 15-20, and its eaa + carb solution in the tipton studies. lacking the carbs is nowhere near as efficient. your carbs calculation is way too much. there is no way for a 190 lb man that 6g of eaa and 95g of waxy maize starch is beneficial. actually that is overkill to the point that it will actually detract from any benefits. studies have shown that eaa is slightly better than whey, not by 20 times though, your throwing a lot of numbers around there. ideally what i recommend to a person looking to gain mass is eaa + carb mixture pre workout and whey protein + carb mixture post workout (studies have shown that eaa + carb is better pre workout that post). this is ideal, you are getting the best of both worlds.

Here is my meal regimen:

4:30am Wake up - 1 serv each of BSN Nitrix and Multi vitamine

5:30am Breakfast - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

8:30am Mid morning snack - fruit

11:30am - 1 serv Nitrix

12:00pm Lunch - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

2:30pm Mid afternoon snack - anything low fat, low sugar, low salt

4:30pm Pre workout drink - 1 serv BSN N.O. X-Plode (This stuff is amazing. I take this before any exercise activity as it helps with muscle energy/muscle recovery)

5:00-6:30pm - Workout

6:30pm Post-Workout Drink - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (Creatine drink for muscle recovery)

7:30pm Dinner - Low carb meal inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

10:00pm Bedtime - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (nighttime muscle recovery)

I follow this schedule Monday thru Friday and it gives me about 180-200g of protein, 100-150g carbs (mostly before workout and very little from sugar), and 3000-3500 cal.

By the way, I'm 5'11" (181cm for those of you north of the border) and 175lb (80kg) with low to mid teens in % body fat.

i see you are a fan of bsn, but please dont believe the advertisements. nitrix is an NO precursor, to which there are a handful of purposes, the first is to get a nice pump which is purely cosmetic, the second is enhanced nutrient flow, the theory is being that it is a vasodialator that the nutrients will get to its target faster, it is not proven though, the last purpose is that there is some evidence that when taken at night it may help increase the amoung of hGH that is secreted. in other words if you are taking it any time other than pre workout or at night you are simply wasting your money. ;)

cellmass is a decent creatine, but i always recommend taking creatine pre workout. post workout is the time for your protein carb drink. only one serving is needed, taking it at night again is just wasting money.

no-xplode is essentially caffeine, a sprinkle of creatine and some arginine, it does little to nothing for actual muscle growth, but the caffeine will give you a nice buzz, and the small amount of arginine will make you look a little pumped. not worth the money, some people need that motivation, but thats all that the product provides, and there are cheaper alternatives.

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I have only done one cycle of the Nitrix and I have to admit that I am not sold on its effects. I will probably not continue with it once I run out. However; with the N.O. X-Plode, I have noticed a significant effect during my workouts and especially during games. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist so I don't fully understand the mechanisms of how it works but before I started using it I did ask a lot of questions. My feeling is that the boost of energy helps you to workout more effectively and gives you that extra something to push out those last couple reps.

As far as the Cellmass as a post-workout drink, I take it with me to the gym and just add water on my way out. When I get home I eat dinner and have my post workout protein shake. The most effective time for muscle repair is at night when you are sleeping so that is when I try to take in most of my recovery nutrients.

I am not necessarily a fan of BSN per se, but these products are what was recommended to me by my trainer. Like I said before, I am not an expert on these subjects so I have to go by what is recommended to me by the people I trust. The information I posted is my routine that was developed on the recommendations of those trusted people. My recommendation for anyone is to take the information posted on here and consult with a professional on developing a personalized regimen based on your own state of health and your goals. Just because something works for me doesn't mean it will work for someone else.

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i understand, im just trying to help as this is my thing :). i recommend different things and different timing. at least start taking a protein + carb mix within 15 minutes of postworkout and you will notice enhanced recovery and better muscle growth.

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I am starting a new training program for the summer next week so I will try closing the gap between the end of my workout and my protein shake. I am very curoius by nature so I am always reading, asking questions and trying new things. I will always bounce ideas off my trainer to see if there is something that will speed up the improvement because as we all know, there is no better motivator that noticable progress.

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Here is my meal regimen:

4:30am Wake up - 1 serv each of BSN Nitrix and Multi vitamine

5:30am Breakfast - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

8:30am Mid morning snack - fruit

11:30am - 1 serv Nitrix

12:00pm Lunch - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

2:30pm Mid afternoon snack - anything low fat, low sugar, low salt

4:30pm Pre workout drink - 1 serv BSN N.O. X-Plode (This stuff is amazing. I take this before any exercise activity as it helps with muscle energy/muscle recovery)

5:00-6:30pm - Workout

6:30pm Post-Workout Drink - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (Creatine drink for muscle recovery)

7:30pm Dinner - Low carb meal inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

10:00pm Bedtime - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (nighttime muscle recovery)

I follow this schedule Monday thru Friday and it gives me about 180-200g of protein, 100-150g carbs (mostly before workout and very little from sugar), and 3000-3500 cal.

By the way, I'm 5'11" (181cm for those of you north of the border) and 175lb (80kg) with low to mid teens in % body fat.

You're spending way too much there. If you take NO-xplode and a protein shake, you'll see the same results as if you added cellmass. Try cytogainer next time instead of cellmass, i swear by it and it's good to mix things up. If you want a hard creatine change try SAN v12 turbo, that stuff will get you going. However creatine is suppose to be taken pre workout, post it isnt as effective as nni explained

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gongshow, ditch the cytogainer and check out replenish by designer supplements, big difference. :)

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Here is my meal regimen:

4:30am Wake up - 1 serv each of BSN Nitrix and Multi vitamine

5:30am Breakfast - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

8:30am Mid morning snack - fruit

11:30am - 1 serv Nitrix

12:00pm Lunch - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

2:30pm Mid afternoon snack - anything low fat, low sugar, low salt

4:30pm Pre workout drink - 1 serv BSN N.O. X-Plode (This stuff is amazing. I take this before any exercise activity as it helps with muscle energy/muscle recovery)

5:00-6:30pm - Workout

6:30pm Post-Workout Drink - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (Creatine drink for muscle recovery)

7:30pm Dinner - Low carb meal inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

10:00pm Bedtime - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (nighttime muscle recovery)

I follow this schedule Monday thru Friday and it gives me about 180-200g of protein, 100-150g carbs (mostly before workout and very little from sugar), and 3000-3500 cal.

By the way, I'm 5'11" (181cm for those of you north of the border) and 175lb (80kg) with low to mid teens in % body fat.

Your getting 120-150g of protine from shakes...that is not good for your body. You only want a small portion of your daily protine intake to be from shakes.

Also, im one of the anti BSN people. Its way way way over priced, and alot of it is nothing more then caffine and sugar. Your money could be much better spent elsewhere, especially with the amount of that stuff that you are drinking.

I would loose the cellmass. Buy a CEE product (cheap and just as effective) and only take it when you workout. Loose the N.O. explode and nitrix as well. One of the stacks that I have had good success with recently was Shock/Storm stack by universal. Better price and better results then the BSN crap.

go to bodybuilding.com and read their forums. For everyperson who says how much they like the BSN products, there are 20 people telling them why they are an idiot.

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gongshow, ditch the cytogainer and check out replenish by designer supplements, big difference. :)

too late, bought 3 tubs for the summer and am seeing huge gains

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actually, regarding the NO-Xplode and other workout supplements, it's all PP. what works for one individual may or may not work for another. it's up to the individual to try a variety of products and go with what works for them.

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well how the ingredients affect the body will not change a hell of a lot from person to person. you are right in that some people may respond better to caffeine and arginine, but in the end, the product still will not directly impact muscle gain. no-xplode that is.

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honestly when it comes to supplements, the less you take the better. The only necessary supplement someone training for hockey needs is whey, and it should only be taken after a workout (not 3 times a day if you only workout once, huge waste of money and more stress on you kidneys).

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Here is my meal regimen:

4:30am Wake up - 1 serv each of BSN Nitrix and Multi vitamine

5:30am Breakfast - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

8:30am Mid morning snack - fruit

11:30am - 1 serv Nitrix

12:00pm Lunch - inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

2:30pm Mid afternoon snack - anything low fat, low sugar, low salt

4:30pm Pre workout drink - 1 serv BSN N.O. X-Plode (This stuff is amazing. I take this before any exercise activity as it helps with muscle energy/muscle recovery)

5:00-6:30pm - Workout

6:30pm Post-Workout Drink - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (Creatine drink for muscle recovery)

7:30pm Dinner - Low carb meal inc. Protein Shake (40-50g protein, ~30g Carb)

10:00pm Bedtime - 1 serv BSN Cellmass (nighttime muscle recovery)

I follow this schedule Monday thru Friday and it gives me about 180-200g of protein, 100-150g carbs (mostly before workout and very little from sugar), and 3000-3500 cal.

By the way, I'm 5'11" (181cm for those of you north of the border) and 175lb (80kg) with low to mid teens in % body fat.

You haven't mentioned what your workouts are (cardio, weights, what days) and getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep is the best for your muscles--looks like you are getting maybe 6 hours by the time you get to sleep. And I would have to agree with staying away from the Xplode stuff--that's just to get your heart going (go jump on a treadmill for 5 minutes instead). And what are your lunch and breakfast composed of ? All of that is important.

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i disagree fully, but to each his own.

what exactly do you disagree with? that you shouldn't be drinking three whey shakes a day? or the NO-xplode is nothing but caffine and a placebo? because both of those are correct statements.

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i disagree fully, but to each his own.

what exactly do you disagree with? that you shouldn't be drinking three whey shakes a day? or the NO-xplode is nothing but caffine and a placebo? because both of those are correct statements.

im pretty certain i was the first in this thread to say no-xplode is a waste, so i certainly don't disagree with that. i disagree with the rangers_scotty's post. the problem with supplements is that there is a sea of crap out there that you have to wade through to find the useful products, and most people either dont have the patience or desire to actually leanr about supplements, what to use and how to use them. i also disagree with there being a limit on how many shakes a day you can take, you should always try and get most of your protein from food sources, but 3 or more protein shakes a day will not harm you at all, so that is not true.

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while it may not harm you any time soon, it is bad for the kidneys, and the majority of your protine intake is supposed to come from actual foods, not 150g of protine from 3 shakes....unless you weigh 500lbs. I suppose.

As far as supplements go, there are certain ones that are proven to be helpful (multi vitamin, whey, creatine), and I'd say that the some of them are so-so. You certainly dont need them, but the right ones can help. But the vast majority of them are over hyped, over priced crap.

Good diet, sleep and water will do you much better then any supplement you ever buy.

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i do agree that it is good to get as much protein as you can to gain muscle mass, but in my opinion (and from my experiences) using protein shakes as a meal instead of a post workout shake is a waste of money as your body can only use so much protein at one time. Remember, its called a supplement for a reason.

Other than that, the stuff does some serious magic in helping athletes (especially hockey players) get their desired results

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