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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yes, the shipping is 6.95 US, as for canada id imagine it would just be 6.95 US converted to CAN funds, but im not sure

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Not a problem anymore, I found some US checks laying around. For the people here who got their sticks, how longs did it take? Is it around 6-8 weeks as advertised?

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Justin - Or anyone who has received their sticks - are sticks sent through UPS, FedEx, or the postal service. The reason I ask is because if it is sent using the postal service to my place, they'll leave it on my doorstep and it will probably get jacked

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Justin - Or anyone who has received their sticks - are sticks sent through UPS, FedEx, or the postal service. The reason I ask is because if it is sent using the postal service to my place, they'll leave it on my doorstep and it will probably get jacked

I've asked my mailman multiple times not to leave things on my porch as I suspect that things have been stolen before. But, in true postal worker fashion, they always leave things either in between the doors (which has caused my door to fly off the hinges due to wind once) or they just leave the box (or boxes) sitting on the porch.

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Hey Graz,

If you're coming to Columbus soon, you could have it sent to my house!! HEHEHE :P I'll take good care of it.

Not a snowball's chance in hell my friend ;)

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