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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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waxing composite blades

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Does anyone use wax on their composite blades? Is there a great advantage or does it just keep the tape in better shape?

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I usually puck it, then use easton wax on the blade....i find it makes the tape last longer. It gets rid of any air bubbles underneath the tape making it stick better, and I find it reduces ripping.

If i don't i have to change it after every game/practice...but can get away with 2 or 3 skates, usually.

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I use some stick wax ( I forgot the name-comes in a container the size of a puck) then take a hair dryer and melt it into the tape. Tape lasts a long time.

Usually the tape on the top of the blade gets worked over by other sticks and tears before the bottom wears out. I learned this trick here!!

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Like people have said, wax helps the tape last a little longer. But I also rub a bit of wax before laying the tape on so it isn't such a pain in the @$$ to get off when you want to change it.

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I find that waxing my blade helps keep snow & ice from building up on the blade. Never noticed any increase in tape durability.

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what exactly is the point of putting wax on a blade, like the marketed reason of why you should put wax on your stick

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I use regular tealight candles (as stated before) on the tape... just to make it last longer, and help with snow buildup. If my blade, or shaft get any deep scratches or chips, I'll rub wax to fill them in too. It may do nothing for all I know, but I figure keeping water out of splits in the composite helps it last... could be all in my head for all I know... haha

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If you're interested in getting more life out of your blades and preventing splitting, try taking a single strip of electric tape and run it the length of the blade bottom. Rub it firmly into the blade with a puck and then tape over it. You won't even notice its there but it keeps a lot of water out. If definitely has extended the life of my blades!

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If you're interested in getting more life out of your blades and preventing splitting, try taking a single strip of electric tape and run it the length of the blade bottom. Rub it firmly into the blade with a puck and then tape over it. You won't even notice its there but it keeps a lot of water out. If definitely has extended the life of my blades!

Throughout highschool I pretty much did the exact thing, except with clear sock tape. I'd lay 2 layers on the blade bottom, just where it would be covered by stick tape. My blades lasted forever, the Easton Carbon whatever I had on my Z-bubble lasted till the blade was so flexible it could hardly handle a pass without bending backwards, but the bottom was fine till i finally broke the blade in half.

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I use andover(specifically) cloth tape with mr zogs sex wax. I melt the wax into the tape and it will last me more than 3 ice times. I load it up with wax and basically it gets chewed up by skates and whatnot before the bottom wears off. Best part is that when it gets cut I just take my nail and push the tape back, it's so waxy that it will hold and stick back in place... and it's slightly tackier than cloth tape but not as tacki as friction tape.

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