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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 300 OPS

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I apologise in advance if this has been covered before, but I tried and couldn't find anything through the search function, or the product review section. Alot gets spoken about the Synergy SE or other high end synergy stick models, but how about the Synergy 300. Coming from Australia equipment is alot more expensive and this stick seems more in my price range. Is it a decent stick performance-wise regardless of price? Also how about its durability? Any advice from experience would greatly appreciated.

Also i've seen alot of praise for the Mission OPS range. What would you advise from that range that is reasonably priced, with high performance and good durability from the '07 range. Any feedback whatsoever would be fantastic. Thanks guys.

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You won't find amazing performance at the price your talking about unless you pick up some closeouts from last year.

Haven't used the 300 or 350 much, but there are lotta guys around that use them. They feel decently light, but that's all I'd say as I said, haven't use it too much.

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imo, its not a very good stick.

some of the people in my llocaleagues have used them, but they are mostly younger kids.

they seem pretty heavy in comparison to other ops's.

you may want to jsut try and get a closeout stick

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I have a synergy 350 grip (basically the 300 but with a grip and orange instead of blue) It does shoot very well for the price range and durability wise it is an absolute tank and im 6'1 210 pounds. The only thing is it is pretty heavy. Can I also suggest the Iginla curve its absolutely awsome

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I would rather use a quality wood stick than a price point OPS. Like someone else said, go for the closeout OPS of years before, you might also be able to find a good deal on eBay. (if you're lucky enough to find someone that will ship to Aus)

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Anyone know how much it weighs? You all keep saying it's heavy...I didn't think it was that bad, better than my Vapor V2 which is like 575g. Or maybe it was just a bit better balanced...

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I'm speaking second-hand here, but a good NCAA friend of mine used one during the off season because he got it for a very cheap price, and he only had good things to say about it. Prior to the 350, he always used si-cores. He still had a 90mph cannon with the 350, he said the feel was fine, and it never broke on him after using it most of the summer skating a few times a week (he's a freak though...he once had an 85 flex synergy for two years and it never broke). I've tried it out a few times, and it really seems that it's just heavier from a lot of ops, but not enough that it is going to make a substantial difference.

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A teammate had one, the blade got soft and also later a big chunk was taken out of the toe... He's not really hard on sticks and it didn't last long, maybe 8 icetimes. The stick felt like a dead wood stick... The weight is pretty comparable to any other price point stick, not very impressive.

I agree with davezilla, I'd rather use a high-end wood stick than a price point composite. Have you considered buying from someone in the US and having them ship it to you, you might actually get a better stick for less(even though shipping will be expensive).

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I personally wouldnt get the stick, if you want a qualtiy OPS for that price you should buy a good OPS from a couple years ago, good performance lower price

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This question is right in my wheelhouse...

I've used the 65 flex intermediate 300, Iginla pattern for awhile. It was a nice step up from the Montreal woodies I started playing with. I cut it down about 4", so it should be an 80ish flex now.

The shaft integrity has made it through months of play, but my toe chipped quite a bit as well as a teammate's stick. The captain on our team has two 350's that he has been using for several seasons and both are holding up fine.

I think it is a nice stick for a beginning player who isn't ripping them from the point every game.

With that said, I decided to get a two piece Dolomite. 75 flex, Roby pattern. The stick seems to shoot much harder than my Easton. Maybe because the flex is a little higher, maybe because I just want it too, but that is my impression. I scored a sweet goal from the blueline with it - and I had never done that before. IMO, it was the stick gave it the extra MPH to get where it was going.

In summary, I think you'll get more life out of it than a woodie. If you are a high performing player, you probably won't like it. If you are a lower level beer-leaguer tapping in rebounds it would be fine.

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Thanks heaps for all the feedback guys, really appreciate it. I think i might steer clear of this stick as it just doesn't sound like ti worth the cost. Retails at around $300 AUD out here, crazy, but i would be ordering from overseas anyway.

What would people think about maybe going for a high end shaft+blade combo. I wouldnt mind paying the extra money if the only thing i would be replacing is blades rather than entire sticks. I've seen good prices on the XXX-lite shaft, or maybe a RBK Sickick. How do these perform and are the shafts themselves very durable?

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i dont know to much about the sickick other than its a pretty good stick the XXX-lite performs very well but it has some durability issues and unless your lucky and you dont abuse the stick, the stick wont last you very long

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Anyone know how much it weighs? You all keep saying it's heavy...I didn't think it was that bad, better than my Vapor V2 which is like 575g. Or maybe it was just a bit better balanced...

Its 535g uncut!

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