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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Glove question

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Can anyone comment on how these gloves are THAT expensive? Is that a typo or something?

those have been up for a few weeks, they had a couple pairs of r8 lites too and they were the regular price... I didn't see a difference in the two. I have no idea why they are priced that way.

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Thinner palm than the retail. Different graphics - no R8 logo on the cuff roll. Also, 50/50 porto/nylon. Not their EXACT glove but a different glove than retail.

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Thanks JR, I assumed it was something like that when I saw 'Perry', "Nash', etc under the pull down menu there. Still a pretty ridiculous price, those better be one hell of a pair of gloves!

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Thanks JR, I assumed it was something like that when I saw 'Perry', "Nash', etc under the pull down menu there. Still a pretty ridiculous price, those better be one hell of a pair of gloves!

You can find them cheaper other places if you look. Hockeymonkey had the Perry's for $110. CycloneTaylor had others for $99.

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