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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Si-core Synthesis Blades

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Ryan- Synergys or Synergies?  Its been pissing me off for a while now.

Let's ask the pup...


Chico says SyNergys. Gramatically, it's incorrect - the plural for "synergy" is "synergies," however, it is a brand name, so it doesn't apply.

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i have both p106 and p 91 xv blades and the p106 is thicker and heavier then the p91. i love the p91 kovalchuk curve it is basically a drury clone.

Where did you get your P91 from? I've been wanting to try that pattern in an XV blade for some time now but no one around my parts seems to carry many XV patterns (some PM9's, but mainly all P88's <_< ).

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Is it safe to say he is now the official MSH mascot?

Hahah that would be so sweet, we could add him to the MSH banner.

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Technically he's not my dog. He's my sister's dog. I babysit him at least once a week - loves my bedroom because he can jump/sleep on the bed (can't do that at my sister's)

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