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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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C.N.H.L Presents......

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Nice videos :)

Grat's on the coverage too. We have a co-ed league here too. Its a lot of fun (my wife plays too).

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Hey...a couple of those players look kinda familiar.

just the goalie :P Jesse plays on my team (which played 2nd) already we're called the "stacked" team, funny thing is we put all the people who wanted to play together on there respected teams, and ours are the leftovers.. :huh:

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what can we say, when your this good everyone just hates you.. can we put rob on the spares list and bring him down for the finals!

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I'll fight you for it, JR ;)

I get the impression you guys (I use that term loosely) probably don't need my help, though. I just might have to take a road trip to come see a game or two, though.

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my offer still stands, if you ever make it down im sure i can find a couch or nice spot of carpet for you to sleep on!

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