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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Batman: The Dark Knight

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"Execs have also signed up rising Transformers star SHIA LABEOUF, 22, to play Robin"

Wasn't Christian Bale supposed to have banned a Robin appearance? It makes NO sense to have a 20-year old Robin, especially given the age of Commissioner Gordon's kids unless #3 is several years in the future from Dark Knight.

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Major disappointment for me. I just don't see this one being anywhere near the quality of dark knight or begins. IMO Johnny Depp was the better choice for the role. Seems like he could have brought a really creepy riddler to the table

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To put it another way, the rumour of Nolan signing on for a third and releasing Bale from the role in order to do Dark Knight Returns holds more water.

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