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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 Questions: Elbows and Curve

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I figured it would be best to toss these 2 questions int the same topic.

1. I recently got a great deal on a few GRAF Fusion 3050 wood sticks (if you like wood, they're great sticks by the way) in a G4 pattern. It looks pretty similar to an old Bauer P88/Lindros or maybe a Rbk P38/Datsyuk with a little longer curve. I just cant find a Graf pattern chart anywhere... Graf's website says its a Sr Heel curve with no flare? Not too helpful...

2. I need some longer elbow pads. Im currently in medium Easton Synergy 300's (or 330s or something) and I need something to protect against slashes to the wrists, as there is a gap between them and my gloves. I've tried slash guards, and if nothing pans out I'll go back to them, but I need something longer. The only problems with larger pads, is that I have to sculpt my guns at the office, and dont get my 1000 reps a day, so I have long, sometwhat skinny arms. Suggestions?


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To answer Question # 2... i know Easton offers a "short" elbow pad, so I am assuming that they maybe offer a "long". For example, my S9's say Sr. Short... so maybe move up from a medium to alarge..

Hope that helped, kind of hard to explain...

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probably same reason why I just risk the wrist slashes and hope a skate blade doesn't get there... they get in the way and it's one more thing to move around on you.

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2. I need some longer elbow pads. Im currently in medium Easton Synergy 300's (or 330s or something) and I need something to protect against slashes to the wrists, as there is a gap between them and my gloves. I've tried slash guards, and if nothing pans out I'll go back to them, but I need something longer. The only problems with larger pads, is that I have to sculpt my guns at the office, and dont get my 1000 reps a day, so I have long, sometwhat skinny arms. Suggestions?


Try the "RBK 9K long".. It's the same pad as the regular 9K, but with a bit more stretched forearm pad.

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