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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller to ice

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ok so the deal is i started playing roller four years ago on my high school jv team. needless to say i was terrible. but i persevered and worked my ass off

now im varisty captain

next challange: travel ice

im graduating this year and its my last chance to join a travel team

so i'm picking up some skates and hitting pickup and stick/puck all summer to get ready

any suggestions?

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I think adjusting to body checks will require the biggest adjustment. Less dangle and more brut force.

Well...that and off-sides and icing.

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Work on stoping this summer. This will be one of your biggest challenges in the skating department.

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Go out there and work on the basics and see what you need the most work on. Quick starts and stops, pivots, your edges, quick feet, forward and backwards skating w/without crossovers, etc. Good luck.

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lots of game play, lots of stick-time sessions where you can work on stuff, a simple drill like playing keep away with a puck from someone else in a faceoff circle for a few minutes will help you just react without thinking as you make the transition..

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any suggestions for a roller goalie to ice? so far I've got butterfly slides and shuffles to work on....

work on low shots. roller has a greater percentage of high shots. also work on lateral movement while standing. IMO it is easier on Ice.

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I also went from roller to ice and stopping was a big thing I had to work on. It also defiantly takes time to get us to checking.

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