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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing through injuries.

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I'm just wondering how many of you guys are like me and playing/working through serious injuries and possibly awaiting surgery.

I went into the boards a few weeks ago and ended up with a strained quad muscle, so that kind of sucks but that's the least of my worries. I have been having some back issues for years, once diagnosed with scoliosis via an x-ray we kind of put it on the back burner. It got progressively worse and I was diagnosed with a pinched nerve and muscle spasms... again, it got worse. Nothing showed up in x-rays so I demanded that they take a MRI to see what was really wrong, they didn't think it was necessary because I was walking and playing sports(I don't think they realized exactly how much pain I was in). So I get a MRI and it is discovered that I have a bulging disc and a ruptured disc in my back. I'm still playing hockey but now I'm playing while on painkillers. Definitely sucks, basically I'm waiting for it to get to the point where I can't take the pain anymore and get surgery. I know that tae kwon do, football, baseball and hockey takes a toll on your body but I'm not old and I'm already facing this, really sucks. I turn 23 in a little over a week and I'm facing major surgery for the 3rd time in my life.

I'm not whining of complaining, just getting some stuff off my chest. I want to know how many of you are in a similar situation or were in a similar situation and overcame it. Or hell, just vent on how it sucks that you have a broken leg. Maybe we'll take a MSH field trip to the hospital later this year. :P

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I've played through some pain like a cross check to the collar bone and a stick blade next to the cup but jeez TBL! If it's any consolation, I know someone in really bad shape from jogging on sidewalks every day. Let me know when the field trip happens... I'll go break something. :D

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Pain is God's way of telling you there's something wrong with your body. Everyone here loves to play hockey, but there are clearly times when the only rational choice is not to play. Playing with injuries will only increase the seriousness of the injury and the down time with the possibility of adding new injuries. Playing is even more fun when it doesn't hurt...

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TBL, I think its best to get it 'fixed' before you do anything. I played thru a torn ACL without knowing how bad it was. The symptoms were pretty standard, quick sharp pain, little swelling, then back to normal a few days later. The doctors told that it was a sprained knee, and like a fool I believed them (army docs are the crappiest!)

Didnt really follow up on it, and just believed the doctors... In the end, the whole ACL basically ruptured during a miltary exercise. I can still remember the sounds of the ligaments tearing (still sends shivers up my spine), and I also remember the first thing I told the medics who came to help ... 'F-off and dont touch me!". Only person I really let help me was the senior staff medic, who was a buddy of mine. One arthroscopy and one reconstruction later, I was in rehab doing exercises everyday, telling myself that i needed to get fit again for hockey and soccer. 6 months later, given the all clear to get back to competitive sports.

You're 23, about the same age I got injured. Dont have the mentality that "since i'm already injured, i might as well just play, cant get any worse". Best thing you can do is get yourself a good doctor, ensure that you have sufficient insurance coverage, and get yourself well again. No point getting a few more games under the belt and suffering. Youve got a long life ahead, and lots of things to look forward to! I can tell you that carrying my son doesnt do wonders for my back or knees, but I'd gladly suffer the pain to hold him close.

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TBL, I'd probably stop playing hockey for now as it is considered a high impact sport. The bulging disc could impinge on that nerve even further causing more radiculopathy.

Also, I have a pet peeve about painkillers, yes they help but they are highly addictive. Use caution with them

How long before your surgery?

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I know that tae kwon do, football, baseball and hockey takes a toll on your body but I'm not old and I'm already facing this, really sucks.

Baseball takes a toll on your body ? Maybe if you are a catcher or something. But back to your concern--yes, don't mess around with spine injuries. Your health is far more important than playing hockey. The surgery should go fine and you will be able to play again so don't worry about it.

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I'm a catcher and yes it does , but even gtting hit up to bat wth a rock hrad ball thrown from 60 ft , at around 80mph kind of hurts the body.

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here's my deal... im 27 and was playing in two leagues and working out vigorously on two bad hips. i put it off until i could not perform, which most likely caused even more damage. i had 2 surgeries, right side i had 2 bone spurs removed, the shredded labrum removed, and the dysplasia (femoral head deformity) corrected (shave and grind the bone to reshape it), left side i had all of the above, but only one spur.

its been 6 months since the first surgery (3 for the 2nd) and while rehab is slow, it is worth it. pre surgery it hurt to walk, and if i ran it felt like someone stabbed me in the hips. now i can more or less do both relatively pain free. i even skated for the first time last night.

it sucks, but just get the surgery done before you cause further damage.

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The thing is that my doctor(My new specialist) told me that he doesn't want to do surgery right now for a couple reasons:

1) I'd be in a wheel chair for a minimal of 2 weeks. And there will be a good amount of time walking with help, so I can't work or go to school.

2) I'm young and able to deal with the pain, it's going to get worse... Might as well have fun and play until it gets worse.

3) After the surgery I have a moderate chance I won't be able to play again.

I'm in a non-checking league so it really isn't bothing me too much as long as I stretch.

What's really weird is how my discs are bulging or rupturing. Instead of going horizonal and it being instant rupture it's going vertical and slowly(relatively). If you know anything about this kind of injury that's actually somewhat good. Reason being is that when it ruptured the disc didn't hit my spinal column, basically this is how I can walk and didn't already need surgery. The bulging disc is doing the same thing, so basically it's painful and uncomfortable but it's not endangering my spinal cord or the nerves around it.

On the bright side I have an excuse to not lift heavy objects at work. :)

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Everybody that I know (4) who has had back surgery for disc ruptures had long rehabs and less mobility. If rest and physiotherapy can let your body heal itself, give that a shot; I think that is what your doctor is implying. You're only 23, there could be lots of sports left for you if you take the time now to heal.

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played with a concussion at school hockey with a history of concussions, my own teammate laid me out, after that ive had serious concussion problems, not even allowed to play anymore

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Alright well ive played with a broken thumb before and it never healed properly-i mean its straight and all but if i move it a certain way then cracks and doesnt feel right(thats not the worst)

2 years ago i was skating up the ice and i was in full stride-so kid came at me straight on and stuck out his leg. I broke my femur bone (cleanly). I was rushed to the ER and from there it got worse-the morphine wasnt do anything to help my pain and worst of all the driver couldnt drive over 5mph because the bumbs in the road would kill my leg. i had a scist in my bone that weakened it dramiticly so thats why i broke it.- the next morning i had surgery on my leg and i have a 6in plate with 8 screws put in.i had to go through 4 months of rehab while being in a wheel chair for 2 months and crutches throughout the whole time-span. Now i had to get the plate and screws taken out of my leg on last tuesday(the 22nd) because im only 15 and if i keep it in-it might splinter my bone if i ever brake it again. But now 6 days after the surgery im almost able to walk again but i cant bend my leg at all so i have to have atleast 1 month of rehab.-its not as bad as you TBLfan but its still sucks

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there is a big difference in playing with pain and playing injured...the first is fine..the second stupid...

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