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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whit toungues on S15?

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Yes you can get them done. there are several places that can do it just remember though when you put these tongues in it gives you a much tighter fit especially closer towards your toes. I have them on mine and besides from being extremely comfortable that extra pressure is the only thing i was able to feel different.

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that statement couldnt be farther from the truth. there is a very big difference between the stock tongues that come with the skates and the custom white ones you can get. Comfort and feel is the big difference between the two. The white tongues make the boot a much tighter fit. A lot of people like the white tongues because their softer then the stock tongues!!! So theres is quite a bit of difference between the two.

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I hate saying this every time, but I'm in a small town with a minimal selection of "professional" type stores...so is this something that can be done basically anywhere? I've tried to find where the S15 tongues are stitched in and can't find it, so I don't want to take it to a shoe-shop where they butcher my new skates...?

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I'm sending mine to this guy in MN. to install mine. CBART turned me on to this guy who did his in the post above.

Here's the link...http://www.hockeyrepair.com/

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