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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the Spyne

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There is another thread about the warrior kronik, its more about the hype and the stick itself. But I was wondering, for all the kronik users is the stick worth the $$ ? Forsberg91 pm'd saying he loved, what about others ?

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I don't own it personally but two guys on one of my teams use it and like it a lot. Who knows how much is just in your head, and how much is actual measurable improvement (shot speed, accuracy, etc.)

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To me it was worth it.........but im an addict. ;)

could we be a little more detailed? Pros & cons maybe? Your response dosen't help JShields, or myself who are curious.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here that many pros stopped using the Kronik, because the "spyne" was adversely affecting their backhands.

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if you go thru the other topic posts on this you will see my response for pro's and con's and my opinion on the stick but am pretty sure i answered the Q asked.

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I imagine it's got to be a good stick, whether or not it's the one for you, well that's different for everyone. Personally I am looking forward to trying one because I always have a problem with weakening blades in my sticks to the point I can start to feel it in my shots.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here that many pros stopped using the Kronik, because the "spyne" was adversely affecting their backhands.

they probably just didn't get them made with the spyne because it looks good for warrior to have pros using the latest and greatest

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here that many pros stopped using the Kronik, because the "spyne" was adversely affecting their backhands.

they probably just didn't get them made with the spyne because it looks good for warrior to have pros using the latest and greatest

Yeah but the pros don't even use the Kronik! The only one I know of is Holmstrom who uses a the shaft only.

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Lets just be honest. We all know that warrior had to come up with some gimic in order to sell their new stick. They didn't fill any niche by coming out with another "top of the line" stick, so they had to dick around with the blade to make it so it wasn't just another mac daddy.

Apparently that didn't work because nobody worth talking about gives half a rats ass about it. The only people I see using it are 15 year olds who swear on their mothers grave that their slapshot (which ironically enough doesn't leave the ice) goes at least 15mph faster according to the laser gun implanted in their heads.


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in warrior's defense; the jury is still out on whether the blade stays stiffer, longer. But I find it funny how everyone thinks that the blade makes their "shot harder than ever before." All it does is supposively keep the blade stiffer, longer... that's it.

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I guess my last post came off a little harsh.

Don't get me wrong. I think the dolomite is an amazing stick. I get annoyed with some of the users of the stick :)

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I dont get at all how you guys can be dissing the stick when you haven't even used it... Use the stick before you're going to bash it.

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most guys on here arent bashing the stick, they're bashing marketing practices and the image of the stick.

I love my dolomite, but I couldn't give a rat's ass about the name on the stick or the hype that comes along with it. All that matters is that it does the job for me.

The marketing tricks don't bother me. people are stupid, and they'll buy anything as long as it's sold properly. +1 to Warrior's marketing program for being effective.

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To answer the initial question, I really wish I had not spent the money on the stick as I did. My snap shot *seems* better, and more accurate, but my slap shot sucks since I switched, whether its a personal slump or not, I don't know. I think I would have just gone with a Mac Daddy or AK-27 shaft if I could go back. But, the blade as held up well, I will give it that.

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I dont get at all how you guys can be dissing the stick when you haven't even used it... Use the stick before you're going to bash it.

When did I say that I haven't used it?

Edit for substance: I have a friend who got one for his birthday. He hates it and wants to sell it to me. I have used it for 3 icetimes now and its not getting any better with time. I am also taking into account the fact that the curve is a little off (I use a lindstrom, its a draper). The feel is "clunky" for lack of better word.

Also to my defense, I have used a dolomite and really enjoyed it.. I just really don't like the kronic.

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I didnt mean you in particular, but most people are stating their opinions on a stick that they havent even used...I didnt say the you, BK, were the offender...

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I never said that the stick was a bad stick. I implied that people are buying into marketing ploys when in fact they are just that. I NEVER said that they made a bad product or that the new blade didn't work as it was supposed to, which was to keep the blade stiffer, longer.

The stick wasn't designed to have a spring board of a blade as Warrior or some people that have posted have implied or outright stated.

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I won't bash the Kronik, or the Spyne blade as far as the product is concerned. I will tell you that I'm not going to try it because I refuse to buy a product based on false promises and delusions of grandeur.

The marketing of the Kronik with the all new (latest, greatest, make you just as good as the pros) Spyne blade is BULLSHIT! They fell just short of guaranteeing a goal with every shot and hidden Nitrous burst.

If you like your overpriced mediahype, great, state your mind and let it go. Most of us don't seem to like it. Quit acting like a born again christian trying to enforce what you believe down our throats.

If you start a post, be prepared for all kinds of replies, like them or not.

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I think its great marketing. If it makes people buy the stick, then Warrior will stick with it...I know Warrior takes the marketing to a whole new level, but every company has these marketing strategies to an extent...

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Funny how someone always manages to bring religion into discussions, haha. :rolleyes:

The hockey industry, like any other industry, is about innovation (or attempts at innovation). Some of them work, most don't, sometimes the population will love it, other times they won't. In the case of the Kronik, I think it's just a different approach to blade design that got over-hyped but marketed well...particularly to the younger crowd. As is the case with a lot of things, most people don't care about how well it performs or if it does what it's producers claimed it should, as long as it's hip/cool and will gain the attention of others then people will buy it.

I've never tried the Kronik because I'd never throw that kinda money down for a piece of composite material to push a little round rubber disk around the ice. I'm sure people have bought it for that very reason though, just to say they have the latest and most expensive stick on the market...and if that's your thang then knock yourself out. But for the shortfalls in performance that I've heard about and the fact that it's basically the same as the Dolo/Mac Daddy, it's really quite a waste.

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I was at my LHS today and i heard that warrior is geting the spyne out on the replacement blade market PRETTY soon.Can anyone confirm?

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No one has really made any remarks to there experiences using the blades :( Some people said they wish they never bought, or that a friend wishes he never bought.

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