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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM19 SOP

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No I was just wondering. The cheaped out on my SOP's and put stickers so I was wondering if they did the same on the OPS.

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was on the ice the last 2 days with them and I love em. very nice feeling stick, good kick point, well balanced, the blade held up very good so far, I guess time will tell. this is def a high end stick :D

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I've seen more and more people using them around here lately. Kids from Juniors and College teams.

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where can I get an RM9 at? and how much do they weigh?

is it balanced well? or is it a little blade heavy? sorry to bombard you with questions, but my shop doesnt carry the RM19 and i havent seen it any where else around me.

I don't think any store does, I think they are custom to order. Is the RM9 heavy?

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I think I'll stick to my rm9. For $100 you can't go wrong. It's the best stick I've ever used.

By the way does anyone know what curve the IG PP/12 is or is comparable to. That's what I have but don't know exactly what it is.

where can I get an RM9?

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where can I get an RM9 at? and how much do they weigh?

is it balanced well? or is it a little blade heavy? sorry to bombard you with questions, but my shop doesnt carry the RM19 and i havent seen it any where else around me.

I don't think any store does, I think they are custom to order. Is the RM9 heavy?

well, again- like some people on the board have mentioned- Pure Hockey in Braintree MA has been known to do phone/online orders.... they have both the RM19, and RM9 in store. I'm sure they would take decent care of you.

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were you really expecting them to make a stamp for you?

Well if you knew something about SOP's you would of noticed that all of the earlier versions came with a stamp. The batch before mine came with a stamp but they changed it by the time I got mine.

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I´ve searched for the rm19 stick but can´t find it. does anybody know were I can buy 3 of the rm19.

when I asked purehockey they said that I must buy 6..

plz help me I would love if some one can help me to get 3 sticks.

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Just got them in. The sticks feel great, very light and a good balance. The blades are actually pretty damn good. Went with no grip 75 flex, the stick length was 63". had them custom made after the Easton Gaborik pattern. as you can see from the photos they are dead on balls accurate. NICE JOB! :D they did take close to 10 weeks though :huh: now lets see how they do on the ice. I'll keep an update. oh, and I know its a meat hook but I like it :P

Hey Joeskow,

How are you liking your RM19s a few month out? Broken one yet?

I am getting close to picking one up from a LHS, which just happens to have one left in the pattern I like. But for $200+ and with all the other pricey sticks I have, I'm having a hard time justifying it. Any more info on on-ice performance would really help me out since I haven't seen a formal review of this stick yet.

Oh, and I am wondering about the extended length of these sticks: Since the sticks are so long, assuming the flex is measured based on this exteneded length of these shafts, isn't cutting the stick considerably more than I usually do (I'm 5'7" and cut down to my nose in street shoes) going to stiffen the stick more than a standard length shaft/flex. For instance, I am concerned that cutting one of these 85 flex sticks will make it much stiffer than normal because I am cutting more of the shaft off.

So, my question to you is what flex did you use before you bought your 75 flex RM19? I use an 85 flex, but if cutting the stick more than I usually do (since the stick is longer) is going to stiffen it too much, than I might have to go down to a 75 flex.

Thanks a lot!

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Oh, and I am wondering about the extended length (63") of these sticks: Since the sticks are so long, assuming the flex is measured based on this exteneded length of these shafts, isn't cutting the stick considerably more than I usually do (I'm 5'7" and cut down to my nose in street shoes) going to stiffen the stick more than a standard length stick. For instance, I am concerned that cutting one of these 85 flex sticks will make it much stiffer than I am normally used to because I am cutting more of the shaft off. In which case maybe cutting a 75 flex down would actually be closer to what I am used to.

Anybody want to take a stab at this question. I think the answer is that it's going to make the shaft stiffer than a standard length 85 Flex stick because I have to cut more of it down, but I am not sure if Sherwood accomodated for the extended length of these sticks and therefore made them more whippier than their other sticks.

I hesitate to drop $220 on a stick which is short of ideal for me. I'm already compromising on the color scheme if I get this baby!

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I'm thinking there should be a flex times length or something...that would make it standard for different lengths.

I.e. the RM19 75 flex is 63" but a Bauer 77 flex is 58". I can't imagine cutting the 75 flex to 58" makes it a 95 flex stick, otherwise why bother selling them that long?

On that note, the RM19 75 flex felt much stiffer than the 85 flex RM9, but I'm sure something has to do with the incredibly long stick screwing it up.

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Interesting post Jarick. Maybe someone from NBH, Easton or one of the others would have some sort of formula to determin the flex and length of a OPS.

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Yep, and you have to think about the intermediate/65 flex compared to length as well. Very confusing.

I figure 75 flex is the rating of the material, so maybe if you do something like 75 flex/inch x shaft length x constant = "feels like flex", kind of like the wind chill or air quality ratings.

Sorry to the normal people out there...I've got a bit of an engineers mind.

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But it does make sense.

Back on the topic of the RM19. It has been a few months since you got these and just curious how they have held up? Do the customs still have a 30 day warrentie?

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Yep, and you have to think about the intermediate/65 flex compared to length as well. Very confusing.

I figure 75 flex is the rating of the material, so maybe if you do something like 75 flex/inch x shaft length x constant = "feels like flex", kind of like the wind chill or air quality ratings.

Sorry to the normal people out there...I've got a bit of an engineers mind.

No apologies needed. I think we are on track to figuring this out....at least for me. But I am little more confused now....

First, is the 63" of the RM19 the measurement of the shaft OR the entire stick (tip of blade to top of shaft)? I own a new Synergy ST (100 flex) which measures 66.5 inches from toe to the top of shaft (with no end plug). If I were to use it, I'd have to cut it down about 5.5 inches.

Please help so I can make a decision on getting this 85 Flex RM19 or not. They do not have the 75 Flex in stock....

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Synergies are supposed to be 60" long new I believe, the RM19 would be 3" longer.

Is this measurement the entire stick (toe to top of shaft) or from the base of the shaft to the top of shaft only?

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Well it wouldn't be toe, because then a Drury stick would be longer than an Iginla, and it doesn't seem to be the length of the shaft, because that seems WAY too long. I would say that it's the height of the stick when standing straight up, from the floor to the end of the shaft.

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Well it wouldn't be toe, because then a Drury stick would be longer than an Iginla, and it doesn't seem to be the length of the shaft, because that seems WAY too long. I would say that it's the height of the stick when standing straight up, from the floor to the end of the shaft.

Yeah...that's what I meant by the length of the stick from toe to the top of the shaft.

Okay, that's weird 'cause that Easton Synergy ST I have is oddly long then at 66.5 inches. If we are measuring correctly then (when stick is standing straight up, the length from the floor to the end of the shaft), I guess I can sort of guess how stiff the RM19 will become based on how much I'd be cutting -- which would be 2". I don't know, something seems amiss here. Maybe it is the length of the shaft?????

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