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Thornton curve and comparing the vapor 20 to the one70

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Would the transition from a thorton curve to a gagne p10 curve in bauer be much of a difference and how would it affect my backhand, wrister, slapper, and stick handling?

Which stick is better for durability and which is lighter?

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Been using the Gagne curve myself for a few weeks now... my backhand has suffered quite a bit.

ex. Last game went to a shootout, had a chance to win it but didn't lift it over the goalie's pad (before this, I was 4/4 on shootouts using this move).

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Unless your trying to use a Prospal or something you shouldn't suffer from a new curve. It may take a day to get used to. But if you can't take a slapper or a backhand, its not the blades fault.

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Been using the Gagne curve myself for a few weeks now... my backhand has suffered quite a bit.

ex. Last game went to a shootout, had a chance to win it but didn't lift it over the goalie's pad (before this, I was 4/4 on shootouts using this move).

Unless your trying to use a Prospal or something you shouldn't suffer from a new curve. It may take a day to get used to. But if you can't take a slapper or a backhand, its not the blades fault.

thank you for some help guys

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I am curious about the curve as well...I have been using the V120 Thorton blade on the Easton Ultra-Lite shaft...I love the combo. I really like the curve, but most important is the square toe. It is awesome for toe drags at full speed...it has seriously made getting around people much easier. Are there any blades that are of a similar curve but have the same square toe from others (Easton, NBH, etc.). Does anyone know if CCM will continue to make that pattern?

Thanks for the help.

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im pretty sure thornton is still in for '07. You can verify in the catalog.

unfortunately, the P10 Gagne was discontinued last year. It's been speculated that it will be available for the NikeId program (custom vapor sticks). Any Gagne made for '06-7 is the P106 (a heel curve, and very different from the thornton) ONE70 was never made in a P10.

You could take a look at the P92 (Naslund) I think it's actually closer to the Thornton than the P10.

As far as vapor XX vs ONE70, there are a lot of differences in the two sticks. You'd need to go to your LHS and get a feel for them there.

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