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Cup Qualifications

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I was just reading an article about George Parros wanting to get his name on The Cup.

I was wondering, what are the qualifications to get your name on there?

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I believe you have to play in either 40 regular season games or make an appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals. I believe the team can also make a request that the name of a player who hasn't met the requirements be engraved.

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Ahh. Yeah, I think I read that he played in 34 games, and only in games up to the second round. So Carlyle was mulling the idea of letting him in game 5 tonight, which would be his 1 game minimum qualification.

It is a tough decision for a coach. You probably have 3 or so guys that could get there name on there, but you can only pick 1 or 2. Sucks to be the odd guy out.

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A team can petition, yeah.

Oh, question...

What if there was a situation where a top tier player was traded at the deadline to the team, played into the 3rd round and got injured...

I mean, he didn't play more than 40 games for the team that's winning the cup and he didn't play in the finals...

I guess what I'm asking is does the 40 games have to be for the team in question or just in general? ANd if just in general, that doesn't make very much sense, I would think someone like Perros playing 34 games for the Ducks is worth a lot more than 15 games at the end of the season for the Ducks and another 50 somewhere else...


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From NHL.com : "To have one's name engraved on the Stanley Cup certain requirements must be met. A player must have at least 41 games played with the club or one game played in the Stanley Cup Finals. However, in 1994 a stipulation was added to allow a team to petition the Commissioner for permission to have players' names put on the Cup if extenuating circumstances prevented them from being available to play."

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So then my question remains, pretend a club trades for a couple players at the deadline, they play under 20 games for the club, then get injured in the third round...

I guess they'd petition, I wonder if it'd go through.

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Well Parros dressed, so he's in.

Parros was a scratch for the game. They just let him and several other players put on their gear so that they could skate around on the ice after the game. Guess he'll still have to petition the league to get his name on the cup.

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So then my question remains, pretend a club trades for a couple players at the deadline, they play under 20 games for the club, then get injured in the third round...

I guess they'd petition, I wonder if it'd go through.

Most likely. It is a case by case basis but if the team can establish that the players were key to the team winning the Cup then the guys' names will get on it.

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Well Parros dressed, so he's in.

Parros was a scratch for the game. They just let him and several other players put on their gear so that they could skate around on the ice after the game. Guess he'll still have to petition the league to get his name on the cup.

Oh that sux. He had wet hair so I thought he was on the bench. I did notice some other guys I didn't think played with gear on too.

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