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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Squats

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While standing, lean on a Swiss ball sideways against a wall, no weights. Lift one leg and perform a squat with the other. Try 40 then switch to the other leg. Then change sides and do it the other way. I try to get as much extension as I can - pushing away from the wall. I find this an awesome skating exercise.


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I have tried very hard to picture this in my head, but I've failed completely; do you lay on the ball? Put your feet on the wall? Are you rolling along the floor? Do you have some kind of link you could show?

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I have tried very hard to picture this in my head, but I've failed completely; do you lay on the ball? Put your feet on the wall? Are you rolling along the floor? Do you have some kind of link you could show?

While standing

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I have tried very hard to picture this in my head, but I've failed completely; do you lay on the ball? Put your feet on the wall? Are you rolling along the floor? Do you have some kind of link you could show?


Yeah, it's a good core exercise but more for general fitness than strength.

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I would think that doing these on one leg would be very beneficial for quad and calf muscle strength which is so important in skating. Some of the best european trainers in the world believe the one leg squat is a requirement for power skating off ice training.

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Wall sits seem to do the same thing: constant tension on a specific muscle group. I"m not intending to hijack this thread, but a good supplementary exercise would be wall sits starting at around 5 minutes or so.

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