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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Voided my warranty?

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I got my new itech hc95 delivered yesterday.

I love it, i think it's a really comfortable helmet! But as I was putting my cage on the helmet, I got the threads crossed on one of the bolts in the helmet.

Unfortunately, I had to tear the bolt out of the padding in order to undo the screw and bolt. I tried to replace this itech bolt with an old bauer one, but it wasn't tall enough to reach the screw.

So I have 2 questions.

1. Have i voided my warranty? (I assume that I did since I can't prove the bolt defective or if I threaded the screw wrong)

2. Can I get one of these bolts somewhere so I can just put it back together?

(i.e. the itech helmet repair kit, or maybe a hardware store)

This is the "bolt" I need.


What I had to do to get to the bolt to detach my cage.


Or if anyone has a spare bolt from an itech helmet they don't use anymore and would like to pass it along, I would be super grateful!

Or if anyone knows of a way to re-tap (i think it's called) this little bolt so it can accept the screw, that would be great as well.


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I had a similar issue with a Mission Intake, the screws stripped after adjusting the helmet twice. I sent an emial to Mission and they sent me a bag full of screws and posts, free of charge. Great costumer service.

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They don't sell replacements of those - those aren't exactly supposed to come out.

I'd use a standard round bolt and use washers to hold it in place.

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They don't sell replacements of those - those aren't exactly supposed to come out.

I know, I tried every way that I could to undo the screw with out disrupting the foam. If I had some ultra-thin pliers (if such a tool exists)to hold the post enough to get the screw out with out the whole thing spinning, that would have been nice. But I had no such tool.

Thanks, BobMcRob, I'll send them an email. Don't know if they'll do it for an itech old stock but worth a shot.

If that doesn't work, I'll use JR's suggestion.

Thanks guys.

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you could try a nut from a helmet repair kit along with some gorilla glue. just be careful as to not get any of the glue in the threaded area. if not gorilla glue, since it will expand, try using contact cement. appling glue might void your warranty, but i don't see that you have much choice.

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Those look an awful lot like the nuts that CCM/RBK is using in their new goalie skates to secure the replaceable runners to the cowling...

I'd love to know how to get my hands on a few.

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I had a similar issue with a Mission Intake, the screws stripped after adjusting the helmet twice. I sent an emial to Mission and they sent me a bag full of screws and posts, free of charge. Great costumer service.

I also had the exact same problem and it took me forever to finally solve that... luckily i had found a few laying around my room from my old bucket

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You may want to use some Liquid Nails or Gorilla glue to reattach the padding you ripped out- It will keep it from ripping further.

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that's a really thin park of the foam that got torn. I have some good adhesive to use when I get a new nut or screw post put in.

It sucks that this happend on a new helmet!

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