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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Balancing out a shaft + blade

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I put a ccm v40 blade in my TPS R6 shaft and it feels like an ax. I put in a wooden plug and candy caned the top half of my shaft and it still feels really unbalanced. You guys have any suggestions other than: "get a lighter blade" to make the stick feel more balanced? On a side note, the regular flex (blue) feels a lot more unbalanced than the whip (orange) one for some reason.. when I had the whip flex, it actually felt pretty good -- main reason why I got another one in the regular flex.

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People have mentioned lead tape in situations similar to this, so you could try that. Maybe put some nails in the top of the plug?

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I'd go with lead tape myself, but it seems that, unfortunately, the best thing to do is get a lighter blade.

On a side note, is having nails in your plug even legal?

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I'd go with lead tape myself, but it seems that, unfortunately, the best thing to do is get a lighter blade.

On a side note, is having nails in your plug even legal?

If you have tape over it, I would seriously doubt that they could find it.

Really though, there is only so much you can do with the balance on a shaft. Having all the weight on the blade and in the butt of the shaft doesn't make a balanced stick in my opinion. The "balance" is really throughout the entire shaft. This is why the xxx lite from nikebauer is one of the best ops's imo.. it has a perfect balance throughout the stick. I have a tps redlite xn10 shaft that was a pain in the ass to find a blade for. I like the shaft because it is so light but it was tough because most blades that I would stick in there would give it the same axe feel that you are talking about. I tried heavier butt ends, pennies and even a homebrew fix of drilling holes through weights, threading them and screwing them to the tendon of the buttend. The end product was just a heavier stick that I wasn't happy with. I did some research and asked members who had the same shaft what blades they used and I came up with a good blade to get the balance that I was looking for (easton z-carbon). It made a worlds difference in the balance having the right blade.

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I did some research and asked members who had the same shaft what blades they used and I came up with a good blade to get the balance that I was looking for (easton z-carbon). It made a worlds difference in the balance having the right blade.

Whoa. I tried out a RLXN10 with a Z-Carbon in it before and it didn't feel that balanced at all. It had the plug removed, though, and it was cut down a couple inches, so that may explain why it felt so unbalanced.

That brings up another question for the OP. Did you cut down your shaft at all before adding the plug to balance it out? That's always a last resort; cutting down your shaft and then adding a (heavier) plug to balance it out at the top. It messes up the flex really badly, but if none of the suggestions work and you can't find a lighter blade anywhere, maybe that's what you'll have to do.

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